forty-five ; you will all burn

Start from the beginning

With that she walked down the stairs, realizing that she still had a grip on Stefan. So she snapped her fingers and he almost went tumbling down the stairs if it weren't for Rebekah grabbing onto his arm, the two watching as the brunette disappeared down the hallway.

She opened the door and ducked instantly, a jar or paint splattering above the door as she dashed inside. A huge, forceful smile was still on her lips. "Good morning my amazing, calm, non-homicidal boyfriend." She kissed his cheek and immediately his attitude change. He went from enraged to concerned in a matter of three seconds. "Don't ask because then I will slap you to relieve of the anger I am currently saving for your brother."

He nodded slowly. "I see." Then he glanced around the room, taking in the destruction he caused. It wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be. But he suddenly realized how scattered everything was. He had throw paint, his unfinished artwork that he gave up on, even a table. Yet in the midst of it all, not a single one of his drawings or paintings that was of or was related to Melody was harmed.

Melody didn't notice and took a rather long and dramatic deep breath, still holding her mug. Klaus looked over at her and couldn't help but crack a smile, looking down at the ground before glancing at her as she was looking around the room herself. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to kill everyone on the planet right now?"

She took another breath of air, her eyes stopping on the fireplace as she thought over his question in her head. "That scale is much too small to describe the anger that is literally clawing at my chest." Melody set down her mug and turned to him. "I'll be fine once Kol stops being an idiot and fixes his mess." Then she pushed her hair back before she stopped suddenly. "You know what? Let's make out."

Klaus was positively sure he got whiplash, his body going stiff, his shoulders set. He cleared his throat to rid of the thoughts going through his head that she most definitely wouldn't know about, considering how she was inexperienced and innocent in that department. "Love, as much as that offer appeals to me. . ." She nodded solemnly which made his words trail off. And then he felt guilty for denying her again like he had the one time. He licked his lips before stepping forward, knowing that she wasn't ready for her first time.

This once, despite her lack of control, he gave into her because he knew it was what she needed to help ease herself. It would distract her for the time being. And he was not complaining because he loved kissing her and touching her skin. So he took another step and then kissed her deeply. Instantly she responded, gripping the back of his neck, making a low sound in her throat.

He replied with gently pushing her to a wall, kissing her more heatedly. Melody gasped when she felt a pinch on her thigh, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, beginning to pant as she couldn't think straight any longer. This was the longest they had ever gone. Klaus than moved his lips to her jaw, traveling to her neck. He started to kiss her skin, sucking on it lightly.

She made a sound of approval, moaning again when she felt his hands roaming her body delicately, careful not to touch somewhere that would scare her. "Klaus," she breathed, closing her eyes as she tilted her head back to the wall, her hands combing through his hair. Now she was starting to understand why true loves often had this kind of interaction. It made her feel close to him, like they were connected. Her body felt like it was on fire, but only he could cool down her flame, and only she could make him burn.

Klaus trailed back up to her lips, keeping himself in check so he didn't push her too far. His thoughts wandered. He would wait as long as she needed, though, at the same time, he couldn't help but imagine their first time. No doubt it would be the best night of his life, holding her close to his body, their naked skin pressing into each other, their lips colliding.

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now