IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!

Start from the beginning

Brian and Deaky helped me to the room. I sat down needing a breather. Jim started a coughing fit. And my eyes snapped to him instandly.

"Wow you-you okay Jim?" Brian asked patting his back. He could'nt answer do to his fit but he shook his head yes. He pulled his hand back and took a breath. "I-I'm fine but thank you Brian." I watched him closely. He seemed to keep his hand he couphed in closed and down at his side.

"Please excuse me. I-I need to go to the restroom." He walked out of the room and I took a breath. Could this all be pointing to what I hope it's not? The way he's been latley? The little things? The phone call? The way he mumbked how he was gunna tell me? His couphing fit he just had and hidding his hand. I gulped feeling absuluty sick to think ot but its a definate possibility and I fear its all my fault. Please me wrong! Please.
"I'll be back." I said standing slowly and left the room as fast as posible.

"Jimmy?" I called opening the bathroom door. "Jim?" I heard a kind of hacking. "Jim?" The bathroom was empty other than us. "W-what? Are you alright love?" He asked opening the stall door. I noticed he had just been sitting in the small space and the trash can had somthing red in it. My eyes grew. "The question is are you?" I asked looking him up and down. He shook his head running his hand in his hair. "What-what kind of a question is that? I-I'm perfectly fine!" I scoffed and made my way into the small dirty space with him. "Fred what?" Jim began to asked as I forced him farther into the cubical. I really don't take that much space but still it was an adjustment. "Love?" He asked still confused. I picked the black can up and pointed at it's red contents.

"This is blood isn't it? Your coughing up blood now?" I asked sounding much like he had the day he found out about me. He blinked looking down. He could'nt even look at me. "Freddie." He started low. "Love, I'm fine! It's nothing really." I scoffed putting it back down and looking at him, even if he would'nt look directly at me. "Jimmy!" I ment for it to come out strong and no nonsense but it came out shaky. "Jim, lovie please what's happening?" I know the answer, why ask when I know the sad answer. He finally met my gaze and his eyes were watering.

"I-I did this!" I said gulping. "N-no!" He snapped taking my hands. "Fred, this-this is why I didn't-I did'nt tell you love! I knew you'd think this way! Please don't think like that. You didn't do this!" He squeezed my hands. I shook my head. My own eyes watering. "I'm fine." He said sniffing. I scoffed shaking my no. He chuckled sadly. "How dose that feel hum? Having the person you love tell you there fine when there not!" He asked angry. I gulped moving out of the space. "Jim I-." He shook his head. "Freddie, you-you can't get the mind set this this is your fault! Because It's not and I can't deal with you being depressed as well. I will be alright, I promise you!"  I gulped clutching the sink as I lend on it. "This is why I didn't want to tell you!" He said walking closer and putting his hands on my thin shoulders. He smiled at me and gently kissed me. I looked down when he pulled away. "I love you." He whispered and my heart broke. "I-I love you too Jimmy." I sniffed and started for the door. "I'd better get back before Bri comes to check on me." I said holding the handle. Jim shook his head agreeing. "Right, but Fred I'd appreciate it if, atlest for right now, we don't say anything about me. Um I-I just-." He looked away. I gulped understand. "Ofcourse love." I sniffed again. I went to open the door but is voice stopped me yet again. "Fred." I closed my eyes and turn to look at him. "Don't worry about me, please. I want the same thing you do love. To keep happy. Not to dwell on it and just continue to live." He smiled sadly and all I could do was shake my head yes. I took a breath and exited the loo making a B-line for the studio before anyone noticed me. The last thing I need right now is a thousands questions being thrown at me. I was about to open the studio door when I heard Roger's muffled voice. Attlest now with everyone here I can emerge myself in the work and not have to think about anything. I opend the door just in time to hear Roger say.

"A week ago." What he was talking about I haven't got a clue and whatever they were all dicuseing seemed to be put on hold once they saw me. I keep my head down and made my way back to my chair. Please don't notice I've been crying! I begged silently. "Fred?" Roger asked gently, great he noticed. "O-oh hello." I said trying to sound stronge and like nothing was wrong. I gulped not daring to look directly at anyone. "You alright?" Brian asked sounding concerned. The mother side shinning. John lightly touched my shoulder. I glanced at his hand covering my thin shoulder. I took a calming breath.

"Yes,yes!" I said waving them all off. Roger took a breath. "Where's Jim?" Roger asked glancing around and I huffed. Why asked that? Dose he know? Did I give it all away? Crap! Jimmy wouldn't be happy if they all knew. "Oh still in the restroom." Roger huffed and stood quickly walking out. I gulped glancing at the others in the room. I noticed a young girl with dark hair sitting next to Brian. "Oh h-hello darling and who might you be?" I asked feeling bad for not addressing her sooner but really I had'nt noticed her at all. To much on my mind. She smiled wide. "Oh well um a I-I'm Kim Mr. Mercury." I groaned. Someone eles to call me that! Great. Brian chuckled and John looked down. Attest she can destract me. I stood and walked over to talk to her sitting next to Pheobe. So I could talk with the other better. "Go on and tell Fred here who's your top Queen member!" Pheobe said snickering. I looked from him to the young girl. She blushed so I assumed me.

"B-Bri-Brian." She whispered and my eyes went to the guitarist who had a smug look on his face with his arms crossed. "Well I guess there is a first time for everything!" I said smirking at him and he rolled his eyes playfully. Deaky laughed at my quip. "But I-I love you all! Your all increadible! Wow I-I can't belive I-I'm here!" She said smiling briaghtly. "Well we all love you as well lovie." She giggled and I could'nt help but smile with her.

(Another sad chapter I know and I'm sorry!!!!! But Attlest it was in Fred's POV!!!!! Yay.)

(Also I changed her top Member in Queen to Brian then Roger cause I wanted Freddie to have something to say to Brian about it lol )

So the next will be up soon. Hope you liked it guys.💜

Love you✌

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