Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

For our first day, we just went to this art gallery in which we both enjoyed appreciating the art and how amazing these artists behind the artwork. I would always be amazed at artists because it's a skill I will never ever possess. I remember how my brothers used to mock me for my awful drawings but jokes on them because I proved that it is in our blood that we're awful in that type of art because I saw their works too and theirs were not even great.

"This is really beautiful", I said, admiring one painting of the moon. I always love the moon and I think it's the most beautiful heavenly body.

"More beautiful than me?", Dylan smirked as I teasingly nodded. "C'mon, Jassy. I'm the perfect masterpiece in this gallery", he claimed as I giggled. Oh, Dylan and his ego.

"More perfect than me?", I teasingly asked.

"I know you're my girlfriend but Jasmine, you're no way near at perfection", he stated which hurt a little bit and make my insecurity rise. I frowned but he quickly added, "But you are right for me. I don't need perfection especially when I have the right girl for me"

It made me blush but I stubbornly hid it from him as I walked away to look at other artworks. He followed me as he kept on apologizing on what he said but he kept emphasizing that what he said about I being the right girl is true. Honestly, I was not even mad but I just enjoyed him kind of like this. When we were done viewing, I was still not talking to him. I just want to put this act a little longer.

"Jassy, could you please talk to me now?", he whined as I was still not giving in.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat", I coldly said as I walked passed by him.

"Jasmine Torres, if you won't talk to me then, I will tell everyone how much I love you", he threaten though I have no idea what he's talking about or what he would do.

"Listen everyone! I know you are all busy but this girl right here is the person I love the most. She is the most beautiful, the sexiest, the most down-to-earth, most stubborn and most charming human being after my mother. She...", I quickly covered his mouth to let him stop talking but he still managed to shout some more. "she has flaws but I love every one of them, she has assets and I love every...", I stopped him again but this time by kissing him. I can feel him smile as he kissed me back.

"I love you", I told him as he also said, "I love you".

After which we went to eat to this Asian restaurant then, we just toured around the city and took some pictures along the way. Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and we immediately had sex as if we were deprived of it for weeks though it was half true since we weren't able to make a move on the ski trip because everytime Dylan and I were alone, my brothers would barged in as if they don't have any girlfriends.

On the second day of our trip, we just stayed home and watched bunch of movies and also because tonight was new year's eve. We were supposed to cook something but we forgot yesterday to buy the ingredients and today, we were both just lazy to get out of the hotel. He just made a reservation on a restaurant for tonight where I assume was the same restaurant we went to on that special night.

After watching bunch of movies, we went to the restaurant in which I was right because it was supposed to be a surprise but I figured it out already.

"Thank you, Dylan", I thanked him out of the blue while we were eating because I just felt like it.

"For what?", he asked.

"Just for everything.", I told him as he smiled.

"It was a crazy year huh?", he suddenly said as I nodded because it was indeed crazy and eventful.

"Many things changed but I'm glad it happened. But more importantly, you are my favorite change. I thought that this year, I was just going to have a peaceful year but you came along and everything changed. But I don't regret any of it especially the fact that you are here with me until the end", I admitted, sounding so cheesy and cringe-worthy at the same time.

"You really want to end this year emotionally?", he chuckled as I giggled too. I really didn't plan any of this or didn't even expect all of these but again, I'm still happy it did.

"I love you, Dylan Sprouse", I said as he stood up and went to my side and just kissed me. I don't know what's wrong with me but suddenly, the tears began to flow continuously. I am just really happy for tonight and for this man right here.

I never thought I would find a love like this. It was the riskiest type because this love made me stand up for my father that night, this love made my best friend and I to fight, this love made me realize how this is different from my first love and this love let me decide on what I want and this love made me confident. This was indeed a long journey but I'm glad I took this journey. Also, I know next year, things would be different but right now, I am happy where I am, who I am and who I am with.

After dinner, we went back to our hotel room and just savored our intimate time together. After which we just slept and didn't even bother to make it to the cliché countdown and infamous new year eve's kiss.

But much to my surprise, Dylan woke me up and dragged me to the window to see the view and though how chic or cool Dylan claims to be, he still can be that corny, lame kid on the block. He started to countdown






Then, he passionately kissed me as the fireworks outside occupied the sky and as my own firework occupied my inside.

"I love you, Jasmine", he said when he took a short breath but soon afterwards, continued to kiss me like it was our last one. I am really happy and I just wish this would never ever end.


Hi! Sorry for waiting for so long because I am busy studying for this licensure examination I will take this May. I was supposed to update after that but I really appreciate you reading and voting for this story so I tried to write something though it was a little shitty.

But I'm sorry because I guess this is already the ending. This would be the last part already. But I'm really happy for everyone who read this story. I'm really grateful just like Jassy. But I know you wouldn't believe me because I was just kidding about this part being the last one because there are still unresolved issues, there are still more dramas I want to create and there are still more obstacles Jassy and Dylan would take. Lol. But I might update on May after the examination but I promised you after that exam, I'll try my best to update every week.

Again, thank you everyone for reading. I hope you are all having a great day. Just like Dylan, you are all beautiful and thank you again.

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