Happily ever after!

Start from the beginning

Everyone clapped and he walked off stage. "Roger do you have anything?" Dad asked holding the microphone. Roger went to stand but Pheobe took the micraphone from my dad.

"First off I have somthing to say! I've prepared my own speech. So sit back down and shut it Blondie!" Pheobe smirked and Roger huffed sitting back down putting his arm around me. "This sould be fun." He whispered making me chuckle.

"Now I know it's not traditional for a wedding planner to be up here making a speech, but really is any of this traditional?" I smirked. "I just wanted to a chance to say a few things to the happy couple. I started working for big -sassy -boss -man in '79!"

Dad chuckled sitting back down with Jim. "I was first introduced to the band. I thought well, theirs the quiet one." He said pointing at Deaky who sat with his family. Deaky smiled at him. "I'm looking at you Deacon!" John laughed holding Ronnie's hand. "Then the smarty pants Dr. May or may not!" Brian chuckled. "The flamboyant crazy over the top leader of Queen!" Dad scoffed. "I'm not the leader! I'm just the lead singer!" Dad yelled and Pheobe rolled his eyes. "And of couse the ladys man himself mr. Drummer boy!" I snicked and Roger groaned.

"I know I've always joked about him and used several nicknames over the years. Like-." Pheobe cleared his throat and smirked at Roger.

"Drummer boy, blondie,Prince charming, air head and one that says he's a car lover... But since there are children present I will stay with the more appropriate ones. But what I'm getting at here is I had a feeling about them two!" He said pointing at us. "And turned out I was right! Now I know the world has turned there relationship into a big scandal, but as a nicer way to say it, they can shove it because these two clarly love each other to the point it makes me sick from all the love ozzing from them whenever they are together. I'm happy for you and wish you the best of luck in this crazy world we live in." He closed his paper and smirked.

"And this wasn't in the speech but as another way to know it's true love we all witnessed Princess Melody giving Prince- Meddows- Charming the kiss of true love to break the cures. I shall aslo visit you at your disnry land castle. I love you Melody, Richard, Felix and little Rory.  I guess you as well Roger."

He smiled and dropped the microphone on the stage making a loud sqeek sound over the speakers. Dad rolled his eyes and stood up to get it.

"Alright now Rog you have anything to say?" Roger smiled and kissed me before walking to dad and hugging him taking the micraphone.

"Thank you everyone for your wonderful speeches, thank you everyone who came today. Thank you to my parents and also Melody's parents. Thank you to Fred and Pheobe for putting this all together and most of all I'd like to say thank you to my beautiful wonder wife Melody. You have changed my life in all the best ways Lovley. From just simply loving me to giving me our amazing children."

I smiled up at him feeling complet love.

"Remember when I told you deserved a relationship were you didn't have to hide your love, one were you could have as many children as your heart desired, one were you could get married to the person you loved?" I gulped shaking my head sniffed.
"And you said you wanted all that with me?" I took a breath and Brian took my hand. "I wanted it just as badly as you but thought it could never come true. First off, we were a secret! Secondly I- um knew that even if by some miracle your parents excepted it. What about the media? The world! And you smiled at me and said all that should matter is that we love each other and nothing eles. And you were right babe, it all worked out for the best. Everyone slowly came around, we have three amazing kids, and well look where we are now!" I smiled. "I love you Melody. I love you Felix, Richard and Rory and I know we will live happily ever after as everyone was started."

Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Queen fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now