Pictures, Cupcakes, and Melodies

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Out of all the lovebirds, who in your mind fits this the most?

As Ayano slept soundly in her bed, the crickets and wind making sweet music for a lullaby of the upcoming summer being closer than ever, all tucked and snuck in her lose blankets...She dream of many things that makes her happy now. Such as her and her friends having fun in Hakone, eating delicious food and seeing the amazing sights along with fixing all this mess she has now on her shoulders. 
Unaware in her dreamland state, someone was coming in through the window, admiring the sleeping beauty before them. The unknown person carefully unbuttoned the first buttons of her pajama shirt, being careful to not wake her, all the while admiring her more and snapped a picture from their phone of her attire like this and her face closeup. 

"My beautiful love, soon enough we'll be together..." Said the person by her side, gently placing a kiss on her cheek before they slipped away back out the window but not without accidentally hitting the nightstand as they crawl out. 

. . . 

As the morning sun rolled in and beamed across the neighborhood letting everyone know it's officially time to wake up and start their day, Ayano rubbed her tired eyes some with a yawn that switched to a relieved sigh, "Wow. I haven't have a good night's rest in a while. It almost felt like I slept for h-" She paused herself in she looked over at the clock on her bedside table on the foot of her bed. 8:30 a.m.! I'm suppose to meet everyone at the train station at 8:50 and they train will leave 9:00! She couldn't help it but let out a scream and quickly get dress in her school uniform so it'll be easier to spot her in a crowd of people, grabbing her bags and running out without breakfast or a good bye to her parents who as equally confused as her. 

"How did this happen?! Did my alarm silence itself or did I not set it? Oh God! I'm so gonna get a earful from Osana and Megamo." She mumbled as she ran as fast as she could, meanwhile of this run she put her hair up in her usual pony tail. 
Speaking of Osana-Chan, Ayano's phone buzzed signalling someone's calling her. F*ck! She slowly answered still running to get to the station and was happily welcomed with this, "Where are you?!"
"I-I'm sorry. My alarm was muted or something and I overslept-"
"I don't care why you're late. Just tell me where you are you dummy."
"I'm turning the street now. If I don't see you at the train then I'll see you at the hotel."

With that, the call ended as Ayano hung up to get through the swamp of people in the station, leaving poor Osana to mentally freak out at the actual stop waiting for both her and the train. 

"Where's Aishi?" Megamo called out the the crowd of students as him and the other Council members  count the students and staff. Osana gulped and spoke up nervously, "S-She's running a little late but she said if she's not here when the train boards then she'll catch up with us at the hotel when we get to Hakone." Megamo tsk but let it slide surprisingly. 

On the other side of the station, a large mass of students from judging by a teacher holding a banner it can be proven they are from Hokkaido Sapporo Intercultural & Technology High School, there was a totally different problem...

"Wait! Where's your Magical Girl Harma?" One of the girls cried out, gripping onto the arm of her taller friend. The said friend looked down at the smaller girl and her bag. "Oh. It must've fell..."
"GAH! How can you be so calm Yuri?! That charm is a symbol of our friendship after our first Friendiversary together!" 
"There's not much we can do. The train will be here any minute..."
"I'll be right back, I'll go find it. C'mon, help me look for it so we can get back faster." She said as she grabbed one of the girls of group of four and they both left despite the remaining two trying to stop them with words. 

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