Epic Rap Battles of Akademi 2!!

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Before we start this chapter of fun, I need a quick A/N with you guys. One, thanks for your love and understanding of why I took a break. That really helped me.

Second thing; I couldn't help but notice that the scale of the Amai x Osoro had sky rocketed since my fanfiction was posted. People are shipping the shy yet scary baker lady and the scary leader of a gang of school! And I'm begging to ship them too! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllpppp!!!!!!!!!!

So, yeah, would you guys like me to continue with leaning on whoever Ayano would end up with or just let Amai and Osoro go out and be together?

Okay, now, enjoy the rap~

Megamo looks through his papers in his "Office"(a.k.a: His desk in the Student Council room), re-reading the reports of student black mail, glancing at the report for Nemesis at time to time. 

The report is for the person who might be the killer of this school. He was suppose to put Ayano's name there, since she's most likely the person who would've done it, but... he always stopped himself. He didn't know why.

"Knock know" A voice spoke from one of the room's door ways. The voice was sweet yet had a sour tone in the mixture of words of speech. Megamo looked up, only to have a flash of red, almost blinding him, before him. It was one of the many girls of the school, a somewhat pretty maiden who just hides out in the Info Club room and one class closer to the afternoon. She never helps with clean up as Megamo heard reports of, she is very anti-social and quite yet has a strange feeling buzzing around her aura as students grow near her, some of the club members even started a rumor around school saying she's some sort of machine full of wisdom like the famous Greek goddess Athena. 

To Be Continued...

Sorry guys!

As a lot of you pointed out in my first ERBOA, I am not really good at rapping...or lyrics...or even setting wise. So, Info-Chan vs Megamo. How will it end? Will secretes slip out during the heated battle?

Someone send me a message of how the rap lyrics should go or maybe some sparky ideas

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