A week later.

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So I read Crumbs(webtoon) and I'm in love so let's just do this.

I decided to make a fluffy chapter for once. Just because they're back and its fluff doesn't mean that they're still not getting used to everything again and trying to overcome what happened in the last two chapters with them. The food that they're eating corresponds to emotions they want to feel or want to make that emotion stronger.


It's the weekend and a couple is going out together. A bell rings.

"Welcome to Marigold's Bakery! How may a serve you?"

"May we have one zeal cookie and two love slices?"

"Of course! Coming right up"

Maria and Peggy would often come to this bakery now. They loved Marigold's bakery and their catchphrase. 'If feeling whatever you wanted was a piece of cake, wouldn't you take a bite?'

Maria and Peggy sit down together. Peggy smiles weakly at Maria from the other side of the table. Maria takes Peggy's hands up from the table and kisses them.

Someone comes close to their table, "Now I know that you girls ordered a zeal cookie and two love bread slices but can I get you two our drink of the day, confidence?"

Peggy looks at that someone and says, "I'll have it, sure"

The person walks back to the counter, "A confidence also!"

A minute or two later, that same person comes with three plates and one drink in a coffee cup, "Enjoy!" They say as they put down the food on the table. The person walks away.

Maria and Peggy started to eat. Peggy took a sip of her drink and immediately put it down, "It's a little bit too hot to my liking"

Maria giggled for a second and then smiled. She took a bite of the zeal cookie.

Was love a sin?

Was their love a sin?

They didn't care.

If their love was real, they didn't care if they had to burn in hell because they'd have one another.

And they really did love each other.

My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora