Back to school

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~Alex's POV~

I woke up; I'm getting ready to school. Yesterday Eliza forced me to stay at home, now she's forcing me to go to school. I am 100% done with everyone right now.

I wore a purple long-sleeved shirt to cover my cuts, which weren't healed yet, and a grey medium-size skirt.

I got ready before everyone else, they were eating breakfast.

I sat down on the couch and turned NETFLIX on. I started a new Telenovela, it was called "Rebelde" and I really liked it. Eliza and Angelica didn't understand what they were saying because it was in Spanish.


"Alex quiet the f•ck down" Angelica said.

I saw Eliza touch her arm and say something in her ear. Angelica sighed.

"Scream all you want" Angelica said.

~Eliza's POV~

"Angie, this is the most fun she's had since Peggy.." I whispered in Angelica's ear.

Angelica sighed.

"Scream all you want" Angelica said to Alex.

Alex's eyes went from happy to sad.

"Peggy, Alex, quiet the f•ck down" Angie said as she came into Peggy and Alex's room. Alex and Peggy giggled and kept singing. " F I N E ! SCREAM ALL YOU WANT!" Angie yelled at them before slamming the door which left me laughing hysterically.

That time when Peggy was still awake referenced right now, didn't it?

Alex looked back to the TV show thing that she was watching and started singing in Spanish, but not as enthusiastic as before.

I sigh and continue eating.

When we were ready Alex was waiting for us at the now-opened door.

"Ready?" Alex asked.

"Yep" Angie answered and basically pushed me out the door.

Angie and I talked for a while and Alex just followed us. I got her in front of us somehow.

I hugged her and since I was taller than her(let's face it, only Peggy is shorter than Alex by an inch or two) and put my head over her's. Angie noticed this and slightly laughed.

John caught up with us eventually. He saw me holding Alex in the way I was. He put a jealous face for second and then smiled at me.

I see what's going on.

I evilly smile and continue walking.

At a point where I wanted to find out if he really felt that way towards Alex, I held her tighter.

When I did, there was two effects:

1- Alex's cheeks turned bright pink.

2- John put up a jealous face again.

I smirked and held Alex like I did before I held her tighter. I sigh and think what could be a plan to put them together.

"So.. Where were you yesterday, Alex? I didn't see you at school" John asked Alex.

"I was at home since Eliza forced me to, a-and sleeping" She said.

John looked over at her sleeves and his eyes widened.

~John's POV~

"So.. Where were you yesterday, Alex? I didn't see you at school" I asked Alexandra.

"I was at home since Eliza forced me to, a-and sleeping" She answered.

I look over at her clothes. She's back to wearing long-sleeved shirts and she's also wearing a--


Long-sleeved shirts?

Alex hasn't wore one of those since her cuts healed up. She's either wearing medium-sleeved or short-sleeved shirts.

My eyes widen in recognition.

We suddenly get to a large crowd, which I suppose it's school.

~Alex's POV~

"Who is that?" Person A asked.

"She's with Eliza-- and look, Eliza's holding her" Person B said.

"Maybe Eliza got a girlfriend?" Person C asked.

We were now in school, and also greeted with a lot of attention.

Like, sure, I get it. The Schuylers are popular and all, but they always get greeted with this much attention. But for some reason today it's different. Were greeted with a lot more attention.

"Eliza!" A girl with two pigtails ran towards us.

And also, Angelica usually the one who gets more attention-- not today. Today Eliza's getting attention.

I sigh and make Eliza let go of me.

"Who's that?" The girl in pigtails asked Angelica.

"Oh, that's our friend, Alexandra" Angelica said with a smile.

"Who is she to you, Eliza?" The girl asked Eliza.

"A great friend" Eliza answered with a smile as well.

The girl turned to me.

"I'm Eliza's best friend, Dolley" She hissed at me.

"Dol, be nice to Alex" Eliza put a hand on her shoulder.

Dolley inmidiatly turned red when Eliza touched her; also me realizing why she spoke to me like that.

"Alexandra" I grabbed her hand.

I dragged Dolley away from the Schuylers and stopped when we were in a spot where it was too noisy for anyone to hear us.

"You like Eliza, don't you?" I asked with a smirk.

She kept quiet. Then she nodded.

"I-I just don't understand why she can't notice h-how I like h-her" She stuttered, "E-Even you realize i-it"

"Eliza is oblivious when it comes to love" I sighed.

"Y-You don't l-like her, d-do you?" Camila asked.

"Oh no no! I see Eliza more as a sister" I laughed.

We joked around for a little. Then I got quiet.

"Hey, Alexandra? Are you ok?' Dolly asked.

I just still became quiet, looking at what was coming towards me.

Thomas Jefferson.

I quickly grabbed Dolley's wrist and started running towards one of the girl bathrooms. (But did that stop John before? OwO)

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