Getting ready

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I didn't get to celebrate Bisexual Day in June because I'm way too closeted irl to come out to my family.

At least Biromantic Day is still coming.

I'm making Eliza Asexual but not Aromatic.

Keep in mind I'm still in the closet and I haven't ever gone to a Pride Parade so I'm experimenting here.

~Alex's POV~

Peggy was humming a song and a few words were getting out of her mouth.

Then her eyes widened.

"The Pride Parade is tomorrow!" She screamed.

"Pride.. Parade?" I said, slowly.

"You cannot tell me you haven't been to a Pride Parade" Peggy said.

Both Angelica and Eliza sigh.

"She makes us go with her every June even though the rest of the group is always going with us already" Angelica said.

"No Pride Parade is the same, but we met Herc and Laf by a Parade" Eliza said, her eyes sparkling.

"Do you think they're going?" Peggy asked.

"Pretty sure they're calling in three, two, one.." Angelica sighed.

Then Peggy's phone rang.

She quickly got it and answered it.

"TOMORROW IS THE PRIDE PARADE GET THE FLAGS AND COSTUMES READY" The voice over the phone said with a French accent.

Peggy quickly hung up.

"Let's make your first Pride Parade amazing" She said.

Peggy turned around and ran.

"Should we--" I said.

"We're chasing after her and getting the flags and shirts ready, you get the make-up" Eliza said.

Angelica sighed.

"Are you like, the only straight one here?" I asked her.

"Eliza only likes guys, but no sexual attraction, so not exactly since she's still LGTBQ+" Angelica said.

"So yes and no" I said.

"You better get the make-up ready, they're completely serious about this. I used to get the make-up ready for everyone and if I made one mistake in colors or forgot something, everything was ruined" Angelica said.

I nodded and started running home.

~Peggy's POV~

Eliza was about 13 feet behind me, and I was running to the store we go every year.

I wait at the entrance for Eliza to catch up and we start searching.

Gay flags.. I take one, for Maria.

Bisexual flags.. I take three because I'm making Addilyn come with us. And also Alex and me.

Pansexual and Polysexual flags are always mixed up, it makes me annoyed but I manage to put on a smile anyways. I take two for Herc and Laf.

Demisexual , I take one for John.

Asexual flags, I take one for Eliza.

And this store was opened to any kind of people who wanted to celebrate the Parade, so they had Heterosexual ones too. I took one for Angie.

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