Now back to normal schedule

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Y'all know what this means.

Maria and Peggy are coming up.

I don't know what to expect tbh.

~Peggy's POV~

I waved goodbye to Alex and John as I walked to the opposite direction.

Then someone touched my shoulder.

"Gonna see Maria?" A female voice said. Addilyn.

"Addilyn, I have a question" I said, turning around.

"Yeah?" She said.

"How the f*ck do you know everything?" I asked.

"M a g i c" She said.

She smiled and ran back to Claudia.

She whispered something in Claudias ear and they both giggled.

I sighed and turned around again. To the Park I go.

~Literally 15 seconds later~

I can't f*cking do this.

I'm too scared.

I kept on walking, though.

I walked and walked until I got to the Park.

I saw no one walking towards the fountain and sighed.

I walked to the fountain and sat down.

Maybe I shouldn't be he-

"Hey, is anyone sitting here?" Someone asked.

I looked up to see Maria smiling.

"M-Maria" I said.

She sat down next to me.

"I am truly sorry you haven't got the whole story yet" She sighed.

"And what is the full story?" I asked.

"James, the guy who basically got you to get the wrong idea, he is my ex. He forced me to do many sexual things in our relationship and constantly abused me" Maria explained, "He is constantly trying to get me back with him even though he knows I'm gay"

I stared at her. I cannot express how much I want to touch her hair right now and hug her and kiss he-

Peggy no

"He forced himself into my apartment one day and forced me to do it with him" She said.

And I felt something in my cheek. It didn't feel like a hand or anything solid. Then I realized it was a tear.

"Peggy?" Maria said.

I looked down to my feet and swiped away the tear.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"For.. For what?" Maria asked.

"For everything" I said.

I looked back to her. And smiled.

I jumped to hug her, us both falling on the ground.

"WHEN THE F*CK IS THE WEDDING!?" A voice screamed.

I looked back to see Addilyn and Claudia standing there. Just inside the Park.

Addilyn ran, Claudia following behind.

I laughed. Both me and Maria ended up laughing.

Maybe it is all alright.

And then I felt a drop of water. (One draft of this sentence was "And then drip, drip, drop f*ckers")

I got off Maria and helped her up.

We held hands all the way to her house.

And it was all ok.


Yes, even the thunder.



I got fluff and a lil angst.

And also broke the fourth wall a bit.

But it's ok.

~Ale out~

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