A new ship was born

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Rape references, my friends

~I'm not saying who's POV, you figure that out~

"Get off me!" I screamed.

"Now why would I do that?" He smirked and started touching me around my stomach, slowly going up.

"Stop touching me, if John finds out about thi-" I cried.

"What'll happen? Huh?" He said.

I felt a tear go down my cheek. No, I can't remember that now.

"He's gone, honey" He said, "He went quite a few years ago"

"He will come back! He will tell Authoroties" I cried.

He completely ignored what I said and kept on going up and up slowly.

"You're beautiful, you know?" He said, "Such a shame that you will go to waste"

I cried and cried until- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.

"Come in!" He yelled.

That was the first time he ever attempted to rape me.

I can't cry in the middle of class.

Stop crying-

"Hey, Addi, are you ok?" Someone whispered.

I jumped and looked at the person beside me. Claudia.

"Addi? What happened? Addilyn, what happened?" She whispered.

I shaked my head.

"You haven't unlocked the privilege to know my last yet, Claudia" I said, wiping away my tears.

Claudia nodded slowly. I sighed. She grabbed my hand and held it.

"Just know I'm here for you, ok?" She said.

I took a moment.

"Ok" I replied.

"Miss. Jefferson! Miss. Laurens! What are you two talking about that's so important you had to talk during class?" Mrs. Sawyer said.(This just sounds like the teacher is talking about Thomas and John as girls tho-)

"Uhm, Addilyn missed something and she was.. Asking for help!" Claudia said.

I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I wasn't paying attention for a moment!" I said, along with Claudia's excuse.

Mrs. Sawyer nodded and went back to the board.

Claudia and I looked at each other and smiled. We turned back to the teacher.

A few minutes after, my head was feeling very tired. I yawned and rested it on Claudia's shoulder, closing my eyes.

I felt her tense up a little, but in a minute she calmed down.

It was a good class.


So, Cladilyn chapter.

~Ale out~

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