gUeSs mY SeXuALiTy(part 1)

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I'm making some sexualities change in this chapter

~Peggy's POV~

Angelica and Eliza were too into their own conversation to even care about what we were talking about. Eliza constantly shot glances at me but I just turned back to Alex and Addilyn.

Alex suddenly tapped on Angie's shoulder a couple of times.

"What?" Angie asked.

"Let's play a game!" She said.

"Called?" Eliza asked.

"Guess my sexuality!" Alexandra laughed.

I looked down.

I sigh and put my head back up again. I smile.

"I'll call the others over and get them to play with us" Alex said.

She looked at Addilyn for a second and smiled. (Holy frick frack, I just looked at my google pages and noticed there was something from a project that wasn't supposed to be there)

She dialed everyone and then smiled.

"Everyone is on their way" She said.

Addilyn let out a big sigh. I could tell from relief.

After a few minutes everyone arrived.

I cuddled up with Maria when she sat down next to me. I closed my eyes for a moment and open them again.

Lafayette was sitting with Hercules, as always. Alexandra and John holding hands. Addilyn laid down on the floor with her eyes closed, but still talking. She was talking to Angelica and Eliza, which they were also sitting together.

We were all forming a circle until Alex let go of John's hand and spoke up.

"As I have told you, we will play a game" She said.

"Last time we did this you and John ended up in a closet, probably making out" I said.

"Peggy, we are not playing truth or dare again right now" She glared at me.

I looked at Maria. She had her eyes closed, but I could tell she was awake.

"We're playing a game that I just randomly made up!" Alex said.

Maria still had her eyes closed.

"It's called, 'Guess my sexuality'!" Alex cheered.

Maria's eyes shot open. Everyone, including me, looked at Alex.

"From my understanding, nearly everyone in this room is queer" She kept on going.

"But we already know everyone's sexuality, don't we?" Lafayette questioned.

"Not everyone's thoughts of everyone's sexuality are the same" She said.

"What do you mean?" Hercules asked.

"Like, you could think someone is one sexuality because of their relationship, when they're really another sexuality" She explained.


I'm ending that here because I can't with something right now.

I have a thought stuck in my mind that happened a few days ago. I forgot exactly when.

So my heterosexual friends, C and V, we were all talking at Lunch.

We were answering questions about each other, like a 'who knows me more' kinda thing.

It was V's turn to ask a question to us about herself.(You already know where this is headed, Mel)

She asked, 'What am I?'.

Wait, imma turn this into storytime(Mel, correct me in the story if anything is wrong, I can recall only a few things) (I'm using initials of our names)

V sat in the middle of A and C. All three were playing a random game that kept them entertained.

It was V's turn to ask C and A a question about herself.

"What am I?" She said.

"A HUMAN!" A yelled out.

"A BTS FAN!" C yelled out.

"(V's actual name)!" A screamed out.

"V's girlfriend/lover!" C yelled out. (Another V) (When I wrote this, I wanted to change the phrase to 'A SMUT LOVER!' but I know for a fact that's not what C said)

After a minute or so of V declining their ideas saying it was wrong, she said a hint.

"It's something that she is" V gestured towards A, "But different"

There was quiet for a second.

"If she's bi," V said, "What am I?"

"GAY!" C screamed.

"Straight!" A said in almost a yell.

So there is the storytime.

I cannot stop thinking about this.

h e l p .

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