Not again(A/N)

65 4 10

You two are  l i t e r a l l y  impossible. You know who you are.

I feel forced to do this yet again so here we gO

1- I honestly don't know what counts as a scar anymore

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1- I honestly don't know what counts as a scar anymore

2- Thought about it, never done it.

3- Developing a crush.

4- Nop

5- I classify them as the same thing.

6- Myself.

7- Melodica127, Mystic_girl1 JellyClaud7, SmolCinnamonRoll2018, etc.

8 and 9- Can't do won't do

10- I'm not gonna worry much about that right now. If I had to choose though, Author.

11- Love or attraction.

12- Not sure.

13- Purple!

14- 4'9

15- September 13. That's all I'm saying.

16 and 17- Brown.

18- Ohhh many things. Two of them are writing and drawing even though I really suck at it.

19- I d o n t k n o w

20- Does developing a crush count.

21- Hug. H u g s.

22- Ale.

23- I have wAY too many.

24- nOt sUrE

25 and 26- I d o n t k n o w

27- Multiple. I'm not gonna describe any of them though.

28- NoPe.

29- I don't know.

30- None.

31- People close to me. I'm not pointing any fingers on this one.

32- How many to count. In death? No. Betrayal? Yes.

33- HecK YEAH

34- Myself.

35- do you thINK I'm ok.

And people I can't rember because I am really forgetful.

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