The Cafe

588 20 37

~Alex's POV~

Finally here, New York.

I worked hard to get here, and I can't wait until my first day of school. I'm gonna go to a high school called Revolutionary High, and it's only 2 days until school starts.

"Hey Alex! Come down stairs!" I heard a voice call. That's my cousin, (insert the name of the cousin because Author~Chan is too lazy to find out their name).

I went downstairs to see food on the table.

"Food!" I runned to the table and sat down. (Cousin name) was already sitting down at the table waiting for me.

"Let's eat" (Cousin name) said.

We ate in peace, no talking. We normally don't talk about our day when we're eating. After we ate, we sat down at the couch.

"Are you excited?" (Cousin name) asked me.

"Yeah, I am! I can't wait!" I said.

I went to the Cafe near our house. (Cousin name) allowed me to go there whenever I wanted, since I never really was the kind of kid to play outside, so (Cousin name) knows I'm over there. I brought my PC and sat down. I opened my PC and started writing. I never really cared to actually get a coffee, so I just never get it and just go to sit down. I look around, and see a group of people in a table.

There was 5 boys and 1 girl. I catch one of the boys looking at me. The boy had long curly hair and olive eyes. I look back at my PC. I turn the brightness to the lowest to see my reflection. I was slightly blushing.

I look back up at the boy and see he was whispering something to the girl. I look back down to my PC and turn it back up to medium brightness. In the corner of my eye I see the girl looking at me and giggling.

I think my cheeks are still a bright shade of pink. I shut off my PC and closed it. I stood up and grabbed it. I walked out of the Cafe and went to the park benches. The park is right outside of the Cafe, so it's really close. I look at the door and see the group of people walking outside.

Once again I catch the boy staring at me, but this time he was walking over to me. I stand up and start walking away with my PC. (A/N: The PC is important ok?) I feel a hand touching my shoulder and turn around. I see the boy. He had adorable countless freckles. He was smiling and slightly red.

We stand there for a couple of seconds.

"Hey" He said.

I keep quiet still looking at him.

"Um, are you alright?" He said.

I nod

"What's your name?" He says.

The wind starts blowing making my hair fly to the side.(A/N: I'm making an effect! Can you picture it?)

"Alexandra Hamilton, my name is Alexandra Hamilton" I said quickly.

"I'm John Lau--" He said.

"JOHN! We're gonna leave you behind if you don't hurry!" Someone said cutting him off.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He said.

He looked at me one last time and then started running back to his group of friends.


I'm leaving it here for now!

My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz