gUeSS mY SeXuAlItY(Part 2)

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~Peggy's POV~

"Oh ok" Lafayette said.

I had to get out of Maria's arms to sit in a circle with everyone.

"We're gonna just create the rules as we go" Alex said, "Anyone have ideas for instructions? Just me? Ok, we're gonna look at a boy or girl or non-binary or transgender or anything and we have to guess their sexuality" 

Everyone nodded and I sighed.

They all choose Lafayette to go first.

Lafayette looked at Hercules and Angelica, then he closed his eyes.

"Bisexual..?" Alex guessed.

"Polysexual!" John guessed.

"Pansexual?" Hercules asked.

"Ding ding dring!" Lafayette said.

Then it went in a circle. After Lafayette went Hercules, which he was Polysexual. Then Angelica and Eliza, who were both straight. Angelica said she was straighter than a line.

After them, Alex went along with John. Alex was Bisexual and John was Demisexual.

Then Addilyn, which took us several minutes to find out. But she was Bisexual.

After came Maria, as straight as her hair. Not a single line, just curves.

And finally, me.

I looked at both Maria and John and waited for anybody to say anything at all.

"Bisexual" Maria said.

"yEp" I said and then climbed back onto the bed.

I searched for my phone and my headphones. Once I found my headphones, I put them on and plugged the thing into my phone.

"Now the hour has come at last. The soft and fading light has crossed the West Horizon and has bidden us goodnight..." The soft voice of a song that I was hearing said.

"pEGGY!" Alex screamed.

"What do yoU WANT" I yelled.

"And what a lovely night it is to walk a moonlight field, to see the softer shades that starlight now revealed" The song kept going.

Alex's words were not sounding through the sound of the music and only her mouth was moving.

"So why is it that now, when all is quiet and at rest, when candles glow and all the world is at it's very best, the people of the kingdom should lock themselves away, to shun the moon and wait instead for sister's sunny day?" I hummed along with the lyrics.

I saw Alex sigh and leave the room along with nearly everyone but Angelica and Eliza, who were still talking.

"Am I so wrong to wish that they would see things like I do? Am I so wrong to think that they might love me too? Why shouldn't they adore me? Is it not within my right?" The girl kept singing. " I'll not be overshadowed, mine is not the lesser light!  I've waited long enough now for them all to come around. And though the Sun may plead and threaten, the Moon will stand her ground!"


I've been listening to that song way too much now.

Btw, who knows that song?

It's one of my favorites.

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