As long as you love me

61 7 7

100th chapter.


Also This is a Lams story so you can guess what this chapter is about. Also the plot of the chapter somehow is not having coffee.

The start is gonna be a lil confusing because it's gonna repeat a single sentence four times. And some things don't make sense. Don't judge me, I didn't write the song :v.

~John's POV~

Alexandra looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Her chest slowly went up and down. Up and down.

As long as you love me

So pretty.

As long as you love me

So delicate.

As long as you love me


As long as you love me

She shifted and turned to face me. Her eyes are still closed.

We're under pressure

I leaned in to kiss her cheek but she shifted again resulting instead of kissing her cheek, her lips.

Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in

She opened her eyes and giggled. I laughed a bit.

Keep it together

"God, I love you" I laughed.

Smile on your face even though your heart is drowning

She smiled and cuddled up to me.

But hey now, you know girl

I hugged her and kept in that same position. God she's small.

We both know it's a cruel world

She broke it off and sat up.

But I will take my chances

I sat up as well.

As long as you love me

We both stood from the bed and she went outside the room.

We could be starving.

"You don't have more coffee?!" She screamed.

We could be homeless

"Wait, I don't?" I yelled to her.

We could be broke

"No, you don't!" She yelled back.

As long as you love me

I ran from the room and went to the living room, to find her laying down in the couch.

I'll be your platinum

"Hey, it's ok" I comforted her, sitting down in the space she wasn't in.

I'll be your silver

"No it's not, now I'm gonna die" She said.

I'll be your gold

"We'll buy more" I said.

As long as you love me
As long as you love me

She uncovered her face from her hands and smiled.

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