Normal days

78 6 48

~3RD person POV~

Peggy was curled up in her blanket, crying.

How, you ask?

Well, she got introduced to a fanfiction on her phone. She was sure to introduce that fanfiction to Eliza later, but right now she was a mess.

The fanfiction took place in a Zombie Apocalypse. (Cough cough Incoherent cough cough)

Eliza came in the room, mainly because Alex had just finished baking cookies and she was way too lazy to bring some upstairs to Peggy so Eliza volunteered to do it.

"Want some coo- What happened?" Eliza said.

Peggy took her tea and drank some of it.

"Peggy tell me what happened" Eliza said.

Peggy looked at her but then went back into her blanket.


"Fanfictions now please leave me alone" Peggy muttered.

Eliza left the room. She knew she'd be like this in a few days because Peggy would introduce the fanfic to her.

And Peggy yelled into her pillow.

Muffled screams.

And then she fell asleep after a while.

And then a few minutes later she woke up and completely forgot about it. Not the book, but how she had been screaming.

She took her tea and drank it.

But other than that, everyone's schedule was the same. It was after school and they didn't have practice today so they were just resting at home.

Maria was out shopping. She met with Lafayette and Hercules there, and talked with them for a while. Then she went back to shopping and so did they.

John was actually over at Alexandra's with her and the sisters. Watching a random high school movie.

Addilyn was at John's apartment alone. She was sleeping. And Claudia was actually really bored so she decided to just go on her phone. Addilyn eventually woke up and called Claudia to see if she wanted to go out to get Ice Cream or something.

Group chat name: ™

Cinamonroll: 'Bang' what?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sinamonroll: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cinamonroll:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


SmolCinamonroll: What song?

Sinamonroll: DDAENG (totally not trying to get people to listen)

Frenchfry: ??

Sinamonroll: You wouldn't know

Jelly: A song from a band she loves

LegallyLesbian: If she loves it so much why doesn't she show it to us

Sinamonroll: YOURE RIGHT!

AndPeggasus: And you gave her an idea

Cinamonroll: I'm gonna go read fanfics if you'll excuse me

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