~3RD person POV~

The next day, not only did Peggy block Maria on every social media.

Can you blame her? Peggy loved Maria. Maria made Peggy believe she was worth something to someone. Maria made Peggy believe in herself.

And there she sat. On her desk, Pinterest-depressed. She searched up many sad topics. She also searched LGTBQA+ and found several drawings that looked really alike to her and Maria.

Eliza didn't let Peggy attend school the next day. Rumors were spread that Peggy might of killed herself, but everyone in The Crew™(besides Maria, of course) knew she wasn't dead.

Eliza left Peggy a few cupcakes and cookies. Angelica left Peggy chips and soda. Alexandra left Peggy an actual meal

Peggy would go on YouTube and hear covers of her favorite songs. And one of them ended up being the cover, the ringtone, she used for Maria.

Peggy was too devastated to even do anything. It was only the first hour of school and she was at home.

Peggy stood up from the bed and ran down the stairs with her blanket going over the floor.

She went on Netflix and put a Disney movie on. She cried and cried still, though. Every time the movie would say something Maria would say she would shrug and sometimes let out tears.

The third hour had just passed when the movie ended. Four more hours until Alexandra, Angelica and Eliza came back.

Peggy went upstairs to Alex's and Her room. She looked over the room everywhere until she found something she didn't expect she'd find. A razor.

It didn't look that old, but it wasn't new for a fact there either. It was definitely Alexandra's, but she hasn't cut in quite a while.

No, I won't do it. What will my sisters think if I do it? They already think I'm depressed like this.
Maria doesn't care. Angelica might just tell you to stop. Eliza might just go after Angelica. Alexandra won't judge you.
Do it

Peggy sighed and threw it into the trash can.

She just can't do it.

She's never tried it before, but it's supposed to hurt, at least she thinks so.

She shrugged and felt herself get hungry.

"Maria, I'm hungry, gimme food" Peggy whined, for the 5th time.
"Fineee" Maria answered and went to the kitchen.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek and heard a ring sound coming from her phone.

She turned on her phone and went into the messages app. Addilyn was texting.

Addi: Hey, how are you doing?

AndPeggasus: Better, surprisingly

Addi: You're not, aren't you?

AndPeggasus: Fine, I'm not. I cried over a Disney movie every time it reminded me

Addi: I'll come over when I get out of school

Addi: Gotta go to class, bye!

AndPeggasus: Byeee

Peggy out her phone away and sighed.

Then she heard another ring.

LegallyLesbian: Peggy?

My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora