59 6 0

This is nOt a chapter

But I am vErY surprised.

10K reads.

1 0 K

R E A D S.

I just-

I don't-



I don't know how to feel.

I feel as if I should do something bur every time I do something(besides the OCs) no one does anything so

I'm just gonna thank all of you. From the ones who have been here from the start to the ones who have just started reading it.

I've made friends here.

Wow I have new friends even though I'm antisocial.

I just realized how that sounds.

But anYWAYs-

Thank you all. For just being here. Even if you don't comment or vote.
And to those of you who don't comment or vote, H I.

So uhm



~Alejandra.CHR has left the chatroom~

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