Rehearsal-Free Week

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~Peggy's POV~

"Five, six, seven eight!"

The Rehearsals were gonna be over soon, the end of school was coming.

The Rehearsals got more and more dates and they also got more tiring, to the point where we were all dancing but none of us could feel our feet.

I sat down backstage. I could see Addilyn and Claudia talking in the corner of my eye, while I was just with Angie, Eliza and Maria.

It gets really tiring to even just hear someone after the Rehearsals end, usually that's the case. But no, it's not the end of Rehearsals and I'm already this tired.

"Hey, Peggy, are you tired?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Maria.

"What?- I mean, yeah" I answered.

"Rehearsals are really tiring" Angie sighed.

Eliza chuckled and sat down next to me.

"How are those shoes not killing you guys already?" Claudia came over.

Addilyn followed behind Claudia.

"We've been wearing them at least 4 times a week for a month" Maria said.

"On no, these shoes are still killing me" Eliza admitted. Angie nodded in agreement.

"So I guess only Maria and I are kinda ok with it" I said.

After a while, we began to wonder why haven't they called us out yet. I stood up, then feeling a little pain at the heel of my feet, and then walked. I walked to a little corner of the stage where if they were Rehearsing I couldn't interrupt.

They weren't even Rehearsing anymore. Alex was talking with John and Mr. Washington. Hercules, Lafayette and Principal KG were just standing there.

I sighed and walked over to Alex, John and Mr. Washington.

"Oh thank god" Alex sighed.

"Are you sure?" John asked.

"I'm sure, plus, the girls backstage are dying of how much Rehearsing we're doing" Mr. Washington said, "Oh hi, Margarita"

"It's Peggy" I said.

"Mr. Washington is letting us have the week Rehearsal-free" Alex said.

"Wait, really?" I asked.

Then, Angie, Eliza, Claudia and Addilyn came out of the backstage as well.

"So why is everyone here talking?" Addilyn asked.

"Rehearsal-free week" John explained.

Claudia muttered something to Addilyn, Addilyn just glared at her and smiled to us.

Angelica, Eliza and I were already getting their heels off

~3RD person POV~

Everyone was chilling out. Even if for just a moment, everyone was glad that they could get a moment without worrying.

Well, except for John and Addilyn. They were worrying about their little sister, Martha. They couldn't bring her to school, and had to leave her at home most of the time. They were always worried for her.

Addilyn was more worried because she thought of any possible thing that could happen to her, like her being kidnapped or a bomb exploding nearby. John hadn't thought of that, though.

The only reason they left her at home, is because she could handle herself pretty well for a 9 year old girl. She has gotten way better than when they first saw her with their Father, her bruises and wounds were almost like non-existent. Her sleep patterns, as well as her eating patterns, had gotten way better. And she was always getting stronger.

"Another one?" Claudia asked Thomas.

Thomas nodded and went back to James.

Claudia sighed and went to grab another water bottle for him.

Meanwhile, backstage with Mr. Washington and Addilyn..

"Lets just try this out one more time" Addilyn said.

Mr. Washington sighed and then nodded.

She clicked the mouse. The music from the PC played once again.

"Everything seems to be alright with the music, Addilyn" Mr Washington said.

"I-I'm sorry, I just need to completely make sure nothing goes wrong!" Addilyn said.

Mr Washington sighed again.

"If you want to make sure everything is that perfect, why don't you take it home?" Mr Washington asked.

Addilyn smiled and nodded. She unplugged the PC from the other things that it was connected to and took it with her out.


I'm tired and bored but the opening night of the musical is coming soon so that means the end is coming soon.

Claudia, Re, you know what that means.

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