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Like, I know this is supposed to be a lams fanfic but the other ships are getting more attention.

So this is a Laaaamms chapter. The cliché Lams chapter is every single Lams fanfic.

Hint hint: Storm Chapter™

After school. At John's house. The weather-Raining.

~Alex's POV~

Before it could all happen, John and I were walking. Nowhere in particular.

Then I felt a drop of liquid on my arm.

"John?" I said.


"Do you think it's raining?" I asked.

He looked at me.

"Why?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, I just felt a water drop on my arm" I said.

"Well, if you ask me, no" He answered.

I sighed, happily. Storms or rain, those things I can't stand.

And then.

"On second thought, I just felt a drop of water too" He said.


Then I felt another drop.

And then another.

And then another.

And I just stood there.


"Big brother! Big brother!" I called out.
"Yeah, Lexa'?" He answered.
"There's gonna be bad weather soon, should we start getting ready?" I asked.
"No, it's probably just a tropical storm, nothing to be scared of" He answered.
I nodded and went back to work.

"Alex? Alex!? Alexandra!" I heard John call out to me.

The next thing I knew, John was carrying me to his house.

"Hey, James?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He said.
"It says it on TV again, bad weather is gonna come" I said.
"I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about" He said.

I heard a door open and then I felt warm. I went back to the present for a second but then I heard thunder.

"J-James?" I called out.
Then a hand got out from the middle of two wooden planks.
"Lexa'! Help!" A voice called out.
But I couldn't move. I was simply paralyzed staring at the storm that was yet to come.

"Shh.. Shh" Someone said.

I held on tighter on whatever I was holding on to.

I couldn't see anything. I could hear everything though. Screams of help. And to think my brother was the closest one to me and I couldn't help him. I was stuck. I didn't know where I was. I just tightened my wrist.

"It's gonna be ok" A voice said.

When I finally could move, the first thing I did was try to save James. I could still hear him, somewhere.
"James! James!" I called out.
"Alexa!" Someone called out. James.
The hurricane was still going, and it was harder to move each step I took.
I lifted two wooden planks apart from each other, somehow.
And there he was. He was bleeding everywhere.
Bruises were all in his arms and legs. Blood was coming from everywhere.

"Alex?" Someone said.

I held on tighter.

"Alexa.." He said.
He put his hand on my cheek.
"It's gonna be ok" He said.
"Y-You said it was gonna be ok before the hurricane was here!" I snapped.
Then thunder sounded.
"You said it was gonna be ok when I warned you for the second time!" I said.
Tears were now coming from my eyes.
"Y-You said e-everything was gon-gonna be just f-fine" I cried.

"Hey, Alex? You alright?" A voice said.

Then his body just fell. His body just lost all strength and fell.
Then I realized. He was dead.
"James? JAMES!" I screamed.
I broke down into tears.
"B-Big brother..."

I looked at the one who was holding me. John.

"Alex?" He said.


I jumped and held him tighter.

"Are you afraid of storms?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am, is that a proble-" I said.

T h u n d e r. (I swear I am not taking this seriously)

I jumped again and tightened my grip on his shirt.

"Why?" He asked.

"Brother.. Died.. Hurricane.. Storm.." I said.

He nodded and then kissed the top of my head.

"Do you want to just lay down and cuddle?" He asked.

I nodded.


I went as quickly as I could to John.

But it all turned out to be.. It all turned out to be ok.

T. H. U. N. D. E. R.

But then the thunder sounds were not.

My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя