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~Alex's POV~

Peggy ran and ran dragging me along with her. When she started running I saw the group with confused faces and laughed a little. When Peggy finally stopped she took a pen out of her pocket and write down something in the 'Attention Board', when she finally stepped aside I went to see what she was writing.

It was on a poster named 'Miranda Auditions' and she put all of our names in. And not only that, seems like she put the Southern Motherf*cking Republicans there too, as well as the school sl*t.

"Peggy, why the flu--" I started.

"HEY GUYS!" A voice yells from across the hall.

I can recognize that voice anywhere.


~John's POV cause why the heck not~

Peggy and Alex just ran off somewhere.

Angie and Eliza are freaking out because of the things that they found in Peggy's locker. They know Peggy's locker combination and saw what was in there, but won't let me see it.

Laf and Herc are fangirling over what Angie and Eliza found in the locker.

And I'm the only one scared for Alex and Peggy.

Can this get any worse?

I see Peggy and Alex in the distance standing in front of the 'Attention Board'  talking.

I walk closer to them.

"Peggy, what the flu--" Alex said.

"HEY GUYS!" I yell from the distance cutting Alex off.

I run over to them and hug them both. Peggy somehow managed to sneak out of the hug leaving me to hug Alex.

Peggy, Herc and Laf were fangirling and probably taking pictures.

Angie and Eliza were probably getting Peggy and the others to calm down.

Alex and I are hugging.

I want this moment to last. Everything seems... Right.

I let go of Alex and she seems to be slightly pink. I laugh a bit and turn back to the group which they were a mess.

Peggy and Laf were trying to get away from Angie and Eliza. Angie and Eliza were chasing them probably to get them to calm down.

Herc was simply in the middle. Doing nothing, just watching.

When I turn back to Alex, she wasn't there.

"O h M y G o d" I said.

Everyone else heard me and looked where I was looking.

Alex was with Thomas Jefferson actually talking. Not arguing. T a l k i n g. I'm proud of Alex but at the same time scared for her. Thomas bows down to her and she laughs.

"Oh sh*t" Angie said.

"What happened?" Laf asked Angie.

"That was the first move Jefferson made on me, bowing down to me and calling me 'Princess' " Angie explained.

I turn back to Alex and Thomas, he was still talking with her. I moved a bit closer to listen.

"Well your essays were fabulous, Princess" Thomas said.

Alex giggled.

"Well, thank you, but I have to go, see you later?" Alex said.

"See you later, Princess" Thomas said with a wink.

Once Jefferson was out of sight and Alex was close to the group we all said(except for Eliza),

"What the f*ck"

~ 3rd person POV~

Over the next few weeks(the musical happened at the end of the year, calm down), Thomas and Alex got in a closer relationship which was really weird considering how Alex hated Thomas and vice versa.

Peggy and Alex got closer than they already were. They knew everything about each other's past. The only one who knew about Alex's past was Peggy.

John and Alex got slightly closer. They wouldn't mind kissing in Truth or Dare anymore. John didn't force Alex to tell him his past. Same with Alex, she never forced John to tell her his past.

Peggy actually talked to Maria a few times and Maria was a pretty sweet person. She wasn't exactly innocent, but she was really kind and nice.

Lafayette and Hercules were already really close so their relationship didn't change at all.

Angelica and Eliza got more popular in school, and so did Peggy!

~Peggy's POV~

Alex and I were currently talking over the phone.

School had ended a while ago and it was pretty late. But of course, our minds hadn't gone off.

"But did you really see his face when I told him it was cute? It was adorable!" Alex said.

"Yes Alex, I know how adorable Thomas's face was when you told him that, but Maria's face was definitely cuter" I stated.

"That's not true!" Alex yelled over the phone.

"You're just too into Thomas to know the truth" I laughed.

"I-I-I, um, P-Peggy, I'm not into Thomas.." Alex stuttered.

"Keep telling yourself that, the way you look at him gives it away!" I said between giggles.

"Pegs, can we continue this conversation tomorrow? I need to sleep" Alex said.

"We both know you aren't gonna sleep, Alex" I said.

And it was true, Alex can pull an all-nighters. And she still has perfect grades.

"Shut up, Pegs, I'm going to sleep" She said.

"Ok~ Think about your Thoma--" I giggled.

Aaanndd she hanged up.

While I do ship John and Alex, right now Alex is all over Thomas. Lams will always be my OTP, but Jamilton(Alex and Thomas's ship name) is definitely acting up. Thomas is being a gentleman to Alex and Alex is being nicer to him too.

"Wait.." I say standing up.

I go to my desk and open a drawer. It has a box. I take the box and put it in my desk. I close the drawer and gently open the box.

The letters we wrote a few weeks ago.

I wrote one to Maria... And Alex wrote one to John, 

To John.

Alex used to have a crush on John, I knew that, but... How did that quickly turn from John to Thomas? I need to find out tomorrow.

And did John like her back? I never found that out. But now every time Thomas is around Alex, John seems more over-protective. Those kinds of things help Lams survive here.

Whatever, I'm going to sleep.

I really hope Alex does too.

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