Mood swings

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You can skip the argument if you want. It was completely random and I don't even know what I wrote.

~Peggy's POV~

Alex spent the rest of the day in our room.

The next day, even though she was feeling horrible, she came to school with us.

And to be honest, I am glad that today we had Debate Class at the middle of the day because I couldn't deal with her mood swings any longer.

Alexandra, Addilyn, Claudia and I sat near each other. Addilyn and Claudia sat in front of us. It was like a square.

Mr. Washington entered the classroom, as always.

"Quiet! Quiet!" He cleared his throat as the class was becoming less and less noisy, "As you all know, Alexandra here and Thomas left were about to a argument last class but it ended. Addilyn and Samuel also were in an argument, Addilyn won."

Thomas and Alex glared at each other. Here they go..

"Would you like to pick it off where you left off?" Mr. Washington asked.

Alex nodded. So did Thomas.

"Sigh.." I whispered.

"Boys, girls and non-binaries, you could've been anywhere else in the school today but you're here stuck in Debate class. Now, who's ready for a Debate?" Mr. Washington said

Most people did a little noise. Some giggled. Some laughed. Some stayed quiet.

"The issue on the Table: In one of the newest episodes of SU, it was proven that Rose Quartz is actually Pink Diamond. Miss. Hamilton thinks it was the perfect change while Mr. Jefferson thinks the opposite. Mr. Jefferson, you have the floor" Mr. Washington said.(I'm sorryyyyy)

We would have little petty arguments like this in Debate class, and it was really amusing to see what people thought. Of course, sometimes we would have to have actual arguments about important things every once in a while.

Jefferson stated his point. Rebecca Sugar didn't make a nice plot twist. The gem shard swallowing doesn't make a difference if the mass is poofed, it will not affect what falls out of the mass whatsoever. Rebecca has already proved this with Amethyst several times. Also if Rose ever tried to fuse with other gems, her gem would go back to the normal angle that it started in.

That was a pretty nice point. Pretty convincing. Understandable.

But Alex would have him destroyed within a minute.

"Miss. Hamilton? Your response" Mr. Washington sighed.

"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration" Alex started, "Welcome to the present, we're talking about a show that has magical gems from space, anything is possible here and remember this- It's animated figures, anything can happen"

Thomas sighed and sat down.

Alex, on the contrary, stood up.

"Now, I'm all about Team Ruby here because even though the secret was kept for more than 5,000 years" Alex said, "And there was several clues that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, they were just well hidden"

Alex kept on going. And going. And going. At some point I could've sworn she had started insulting Thoma-


"Aw, looks like it's time to go to your next classes!" Mr. Washington put his head up.

"Blow some steam?" I asked.

"Definitely did" Alex answered.

I grabbed my bag and went to the seat in front of me to shake awake Addilyn.

She and Claudia had fallen asleep together while Alex was talking. I stop shaking once I see them holding hands.

My tired face turns into a small grin.

"Take a look at this" I say to Alex.

She comes and sees them holding hands. She smiles as well.

"Girls? What are you still doing here?" A voice comes from behind us

"mR. WASHINTON!" Alex and I turn around. We try to hide the fact that Claudia and Addilyn are sleeping.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your way to your next class?" Mr. Washington asked.

I put my hands behind my back trying to shake Addilyn awake in secret.

"Well, you see.." Alex said, "We're waiting on our friends here! They're not done packing up!"

Mr. Washington tried to look to see Addilyn ad Claudia but we blocked him.

He sighed.

"Be sure to be at practice tomorrow" He said.

He turned his back on us and walked back to his desk.

I turned around to see Addilyn packing and a sleeping Claudia.

"Wake up, Clau-" I started shaking Claudia.

Addilyn slapped my hand away.

"Do you really want to deal with a Devil Claudia?" Addilyn asked.

"But we have no choice, do we now? We have to go" Alex said.

Alex shaked Claudia. Claudia's head went up.

"what the f*ck do you want" Claudia said in a sleepy tone.

Claudia looked around to see other students entering the classroom. She sighed and took her bag which was surprisingly already packed.

Claudia and Addilyn stood up and walked out the classroom with us.

For the way we were together, Claudia and Alexandra were shooting statements at each other as if they were in a fight or hated each other.

And then Alexandra and I had to go to Chemistry. Claudia had to go to Math and Addilyn had to go to Music.

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