A Schuyler Chapter

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This is a filler chapter.

I'm not sorry..

Btw, did you guys like last chapter?

This is irrelevant to the plot, but I've wanted to do this for a long time.

Btw, this are scenarios that have actually happened to me. A normal day for me basically.

So, it's just me and my two friends but in the Schuyler's names.

Angelica~ C (I'm not saying her name)

Eliza~ V (Or as you know her, Mel or Eliza)

Peggy~ mE

This also takes place in a K-8 school, not High School.

They live in different houses in this chapter(somewhy)

I'm only going half of the day for this chapter. 

Now to the chapter~

~Peggy's POV~

Wake up.

Take my clothes.


Put my clothes on, as well as my shoes.

Eat breakfast.

Get my backpack.

I sigh, everyday is the same thing. It's a repetitive process. At least I still get to see my sisters.

"I'm ready, mom!" I yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" Maya yelled back.(It's close enough to my mom's name)

Maya is not really my mom, she's a maid. Daddy hired her to take care of me, my sisters also have maids to take care of them too. Angelica's maid is named Yai, and Eliza's maid is named Cecily. We're very close with them, but we still keep a lot of things from them.

Maya came down the stairs.

"I'm ready" She said.

I giggled as she went to the door and opened it. I took my backpack and went out the door.

When I got in the car, I took my earbuds out of my backpack and took my phone out of my pouch.

I turned on my phone and started listening to 'Miranda: An American Musical', it's one of my favorite musicals.

Maya asked me a question I couldn't hear over the music.

"What?" I said, taking one earbud off.

"What's going on in school? Anything exciting?" She said.

"uHM" I said, "Nothing special!"

"I consider it special if you're involved in it" She said.

I could only feel her mischievous smile.

"W-Well.." I paused, thinking for an idea to tell her.

I don't want to lie to Maya, but I don't want to tell her the truth either. It's just a bunch of drama.

I sighed. I noticed one of my favorite songs had come on in the radio.

Maya sighed, knowing I will sing along and ignore her question. Just like everyday.

"I've known you since we were like 10! Don't mess it up talking that" I paused because the word was a curse, "Only gonna push me away, that's it!"

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