Someone special awaits

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And another chapter cause' why not
Also, the heartbreak is in the next chapter
Its two heartbreaks(?) for the same person.
So yeah
BTW, if you didn't know, I write chapters ahead of time so I COULD give you the next chapter, but...
Suspense tho

~Alex's POV~

I opened my eyes slightly. I see people gathered around me.

I open my eyes a little more for them to see I'm awake.

"Elle est réveillée!" A male voice said. I assume it's Lafayette because of the French.

"Oh thank god" A soft female voice said. Eliza.

Someone with fluffy dark brown hair came into my arms. Angelica.

"H-Hey" I said

I saw a figure with curly shoulder length hair running out the room.

A few minutes later, the figure came back. John.

"The Doctor says we can leave, even you Alex" John said.

I sigh in relief. If I was gonna stay here for any more minutes I was gonna scream.

I gently got off the Hospital bed with the help of Maria and Eliza. Angelica grabbed my hand and gave me support, so did Eliza.

A few minutes later, we got home. They lead me to Peggy's and I's room. They left me in bed. When they got out I gently got of the bed to build some strength. A few minutes later of falling and silently shrieking, I finally got balanced. I waked normally once more. I smiled.

They went to my room to pick me up for Dinner, but they saw me already walking. They walked in front of me downstairs, just in case I fell. We ate and went back to our rooms to sleep.

A few minutes later of the house being completely quiet, I grabbed my phone and went to the backyard.

I sighed and sat down.

I looked at the stars(It's the same scenery from, "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?", just without John) and smiled.

I remembered the time John was here with me a few months ago.

Then my phone rings, I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Miss Alexandra Schuyler?" The voice over the phone says.

"Schuy-- oh, yeah, I am" I answer. I passed as Peggy's sister that day so.. I'm mostly recognized in the Hospital as Alexandra Schuyler.

"We wanted to tell you, Margarita Schuyler has woken up" The voice says.

My eyes widen.

"She woke up?" I ask. I wanted to know if I heard it wrong.

"Yes, Margari--" The voice said.

"I'll be there as soon as possible" I said with excitement.

Peggy's awake.

And she's waiting.

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