Day three

45 3 2


Addilyn walked in the edge of the fountain while Claudia held her hand, walking on the actual ground.

Addilyn jumped off the fountain edge and kept on walking on the ground with Claudia. She undid their hands and started running from Claudia.

"Catch me if you can!" Addilyn yelled.

Claudia smiled and chased around for her. She eventually got tired and hid behind the tree behind the fountain.

Addilyn got bored of running and sat down in the little wall of the fountain. She couldn't seem to find Claudia anywhere. Claudia stood up from behind the tree and went to search for Addilyn, seeing her as soon as she stood up. Addilyn was facing the opposite direction and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Claudia smiled to herself and-

"Hey Claudia! Look!" A person smaller than her said.

They looked around for her but they couldn't seem to find her since she was hiding behind a tree.

"Claudia?" The person called out.

"Yeah?" Claudia called back.

Claudia shook her head. She was not about to remind herself of that when she was with Addilyn.

Claudia ran over to the little person. She looked down at them. Only a about 1-3 inches smaller than her. She smiled at them.

"Look at what I found!" They smiled.

Claudia shook her head again and put aside her thoughts. Her memories.

She put her ran over to Addilyn and smiled at her.

"Claudia!" Addilyn cheered.

They played together for another hour in the park and walked to Claudia's apartment.

"Can we go to your house?" They asked.

Claudia nodded at them and started walking with them.

Claudia shook her head once more.

"Do memories hurt for you, Addi?" Claudia asked, "Like, do certain memories hurt?"

Addilyn slightly shifted her head to not be in Claudia's view.

"Yeah, they do" Addilyn finally answered.

"That makes two of us" Claudia said.

Addilyn turned back to Claudia and smiled. She wiped her eyes, which Claudia had seen there were tears in hem.

"So how are-" They both said.

They covered their mouths and burst out laughing with each other.

They finally got to Claudia's apartment after a while of just talking.

Claudia locked the door and turned back to Addilyn, who was laying on the couch.

"Whatcha wanna do?" Addilyn asked.

Claudia noticed both their clothes were wet. In the three hours they were in the park, they fell in the fountain. Their clothes were still wet.

"First of all, let's change" Claudia awkwardly smiled, "You can borrow my clothes if you'd like"

Addilyn smiled.



I know, wasn't that much of a good chapter at all but gimme some credit. I wrote something.

My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora