mY gAwD

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I introduce Claudia and two/three chapters after people start shipping her with other people.

But I ship her with someone too so I don't have room to judge.

~Alex's POV~

Waking up in a bed next to your boyfriend might be one of the best things that are to happen, but I can't say anything about it really.

Last night, I could barely calm down unless John helped. Though when I did calm down, I realized how beautiful it actually is.

Though I still might be scared of storms, I could see the beauty in them for once.

The raindrops flowing down the window and the sweet drip drop sounds they make.

But, all good things must end.

Things don't go the exact way you want them to.

I sighed and looked at John. Peaceful in his sleep.

I smiled and got out of bed.

When I finished getting ready, I went into the kitchen and went with the Coffee maker machine.

Probably had about 3 full cups of Coffee before John came out of his room. His hair was still really messy, and I could tell he hadn't showered yet.

"Step away from the Coffee" He said.

"This? Never" I said before I started filling a cup again.

"I wish I could've woken up before you and got to the Coffee first, I really do" He said.

I giggled and brought him a cup of Coffee.

"Hey, today is the day Mr. Washington chooses the roles for the musical we're doing" I said.

"So the auditions" He said.

He drank Coffee.

"Yeah, basically" I said.

"Why did Peggy had to sign us all up for the Auditions?" He asked.

"Well, she didn't sign up everyone-" I said.

"Addilyn and Claudia don't count, they weren't there when she did it" John added.

"Well, if you put it that way, then yeah, she did sign up everyone for no reason" I answered.

He looked back at his Coffee and drank.

I sighed and went back to the Kitchen. Coffeeeeeeee.

When we were actually both ready, we headed out and found everyone. Seems like Maria and Peggy are back together.

~3RD person POV~

"Are we actually doing this?" Maria asked.

"Yeah we are!" Peggy said, one more time.

"I am not good at acting whatsoever, Peggy" Hercules said.

"I know" She replied.

Meanwhile, Lafayette being a narcissist, was not worrying about the Auditions at all. He was sure he'd win his role, for sure.

Angelica was showing Claudia her favorite boy band. Eliza was on her phone reading some fanfiction on her phone. Addilyn was reading with Eliza secretly. John and Alexandra were playing some random game.

Then when they got to school, the halls were nearly empty.

They checked the time and they were late.

They had to hurry and get to their classes. The Schuylers and Alexandra went one way. Addilyn, John and Lafayette went another. And then Hercules and Claudia went another.

But the second period they all got together again. Theater Class. Mr. Washington had them all do something. Everyone Auditioned except for Addilyn and Claudia, but they didn't feel sad or anything. Watching everyone mess up auditioning was funny enough for them.

"Alright, class! Go on to your next classes, I still got about 50 more kids to audition for the rest of the day. The results will be out right before school ends!" Mr. Washington said.

Everyone packed up and went to their next class.

"Hey, do you think we'll actually win the roles?" Alexandra asked Peggy.

"I don't know, to be honest" Peggy answered.

~Addilyn's POV~

"But it says 'Their symptoms' and that refers to multiple people, plus later on, it says 'Something is terribly wrong with this family and I accepted the invitation of joining it' which just proves my point!" I said.(*prays that someone gets this*)

"But it just doesn't make sense, it only says one person with symptoms and some kind of Doctor, not including the person who wrote it" Claudia said.

"Well, maybe they're just focusing on one of the persons with symptoms" I guessed.

"Maybe, but your side makes more sense since in the beginning, the person who wrote it knows so many deceases of the heart" Claudia added.

I sighed as I entered Writing class after Claudia.

I used to sit alone in this classroom as the New Girl kinda thing, because I didn't sit with anyone in this class. But now Claudia sits with me. We took a seat in the back of the class next to each other and took our stuff out.

"So, can anyone at all tell me why are commas important?" The teacher said.

I held in a giggle as I remembered the script of the auditions. One part of a song literally says one reason why commas are important. With a comma after dearest.

I didn't raise my hand, though.

"Anyone? At all? You're all high schoolers and no one can answer me this simple question?" The teacher said.

I had to hold in another giggle.

"Veronica?" The teacher said.

A girl with shoulder height hair and a blue outfit looked out the window.

The teacher sighed and explained something I did not pay attention to.

I looked over to Claudia to see what was she doing.

She was drawing! The little doodles and figures on the sides of her papers looked adorable.

She took her eyes off the paper for a second and looked at me.

I quickly turned around to see what anyone else was doing.

The girl, Veronica, was passing notes to another girl who had blonde hair and a yellow little dress with white spots. A guy and a girl were talking by sign language, which was pretty smart in my opinion. A boy was secretly playing Temple Run on his phone. Another girl with a dark pink shirt was actually copying down what the teacher was saying. A boy who had a blue shirt with white stripes and a girl who had really short hair had fallen asleep. And then there's the brunette girl with glasses drawing fanart of Steven Universe.

I looked at my own paper to see nothing at all. It was blank.

I looked to the clock.

This already feels like a century, and it's only been 10 minutes?

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