Sweet little memories

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I came in Wattpad to have a spam of notifications--

Ok now that that's covered up, have in mind that these are memories, they're not current events; Peggy is not awake.

Anyways, there ya' go,

A fluffy chapter after all the Angst I've been having in here,

Also, these are kinda like oneshots? I guess, just from my story.

Everything that happens is not really gonna be related to the actual story, it's just a fluffy memory that the characters have.

~3rd Person POV~

(Memory 1) John ran away from Alex and Peggy as they chased him. "I'm sorry!" He laughed. Peggy giggled a bit and Alex just chuckled and kept running. When Peggy(really Alex, but she took the credit and Alex let her) caught John they all laughed. Everyone stared at them weirdly while they were laughing as if there was no tomorrow. "I just couldn't straight" John explained. Alex just gave him a 'seriously?' Kind of look. Peggy just kept on laughing. When Alex made Peggy finally calm down, a few seconds before John had ran away again from them. When Peggy noticed she was laughing again.

(Memory 2-also a lil more things of what happened in "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" So it's a sad but still kinda fluff) Alexandra was looking at the stars with John as she laid her head on his shoulder. The taller boy looking at her. "We're not little kids anymore" She said closing her eyes. "Yeah.. We're really not" He said blushing a bit. "I wish we could stay this age forever, keep this moment and not go back" Alexandra confessed. "Yeah, you had a bad past too, didn't you?" John asked her. She felt a tear roll down her cheek like it use to when her Father use to hit her. "Yeah, I did" She said finally. John didn't question how did it go, since depression was already a touchy subject.

(Memory 4) Alex laughed as she ran around her house, John and Peggy following behind. "Go slower!" Peggy laughed. "Y-Ye--" John was cut off by his laughing. "You will never catch me!" Alex ran. Peggy had stopped running after a few minutes and so had Alex, John was already laying at the couch. "Water?" Alex asked. "Yuuuppp" John and Peggy both said. Alex giggled and went to the kitchen.

(Memory 5- this one was like a lil memory of what happened the earlier in the day before Peggy got hit, so the class which Alex and Peggy were talking about) Alexandra couldn't stop giggling in the middle of class. Thomas looked at her with an evil smirk and James looked at him with a frown. John was looking at her with a confused fade and Peggy was looking with a unreadable face. "Miss. Hamilton? Your project?" Mr. King asked. "Oh yes, here you go" Alex handed him a stick of gum. "What is this?" Mr. King asked her. "My project, eat it" Alex simply said. Mr. King seemed angered. Her fellow classmates all burst out laughing. Mr. King actually ate it because of how angry he was, then his expression was happier. "I liked that, so I'll let it slide"

(Memory 6) Thomas had just insulted the LGTBQ+ community. John felt hurt even though he wasn't part of it. Maybe he was hurt because somehow, in another universe he was part of it? But Alex and Peggy were going at it. They were roasting the heck out of Thomas, his beliefs and opinions. "Cute" Was all that Thomas said cutting Alex off. "Oh, you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Cause if so, I'm abOUT TO BE GORGEOUS" Alex replied before talking for 1 hour straight, maybe 2 or 3.

(Memory 7) "Alexandra brush your hair" John said. John and Peggy had come over to Alex's house. "No" Was all she replied. "Why the f*ck would you not brush that monster" Peggy said. "I would, but last week a dragon almost set my hair on fire for just brushing it so no" She said. Peggy and John laughed for a while along as her.

(Memory 8) Peggy and Alex were laying in bed next to each other. Their foreheads connecting and both of them staring into each other's eyes as if they were a couple. Then suddenly, "Achoo!" Alex sneezes. Peggy gets startled by this and falls off the bed. Alex realizing what she had just done burst our laughing uncontrollably. "You're lucky you're my best friend, and I have to forgive you because of that" Peggy mutters which makes Alex laugh even harder.

(Memory 9-before Maria entered the Squaadd) "Well, you can't just give out candy to people like them" Alex points at the clique of Thomas, James, Aura and Maria. "Why?" Peggy asked. "Because I don't like them" Alex finished. "Why?" "Because they're annoying and bad" "Why?" "Because they beat up people" "Why?" "Do you want ice cream after school?" Alex asked with a sigh. "YES!"

(Memory 10) "I really hate you" John said. Peggy's eyes widened. "Why? I'm lovely" Alex smirked. "YOU ATE MY WHOLE M&M BAG!" John yelled. "In my defense, it didn't have your name on it" Alex said. Peggy giggled. John took Alex by the hand and smirked. He kissed Alex's cheek leaving Alex flustered. Peggy burst out laughing at this point knowing Alex's crush on John. John was laughing at Alex's expression. Alex closed her eyes and ran to Eliza so she could protect Alex.

(Memory 11) John squeezed Alex's and Peggy's hand. He was dragging them to the Cafeteria when they wanted to be at their lockers during Lunch. Alex wanting to starve herself and Peggy was just not hungry. Peggy groaned. "Whyyyyy?" Alex whined. "Because you need to eat" John answered sitting them both down. The rest of the group laughed at Peggy and Alex's faces.


There you go, a fluffy chapter mostly.

Just get this fluff into your head, and never let it go.

This is not the only fluff chapter there's gonna be, just for a few more chapters it's gonna be angst, I'll try to make it at least a lil fluffy, or happy.



My shot   •  (Multi-ship/Hamilton modern AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang