Take a quote from me "You have to fight your way through the storm before seeing the sun."

If you are having a bad time at the moment, don't think that it is the end of your life because it is not. It may not seem like it now but somehow, one day you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will be able to breathe again and smile. Just keep going and don't give up. Just keep fighting whatever life throws at you and one day you will win! You will become the strong person that was once put in this world. Never let the fear scare you away, stand your grounds and keep fighting. Your sadness will one day become happiness. No one will ever know when the end will come but don't end your sadness by ending your life because that will only cause more sadness.

When Ben died, I didn't want to live anymore because I wanted to be with Ben. I didn't want him being lonely in heaven. I blamed myself day after day and I still do. Nothing will ever take the pain of Bens death away from me but then I remembered that Ben wouldn't want to see me like this...a mess. Ben would want me smiling and carrying on with my life. He used to hate seeing me cry. He told me that it made him feel sad too. When Ben did die, all I did was cry. I would cry every single day...there was no end to my tear. I never knew that a human being could cry as much as I did.

There was this one time that I was sitting alone in the corner of my room, hugging one of Bens tops close to my chest whilst crying my eyes out...It was that day that I remembered that Ben would also be upset if I was and I thought to myself if I smiled and was happy he would also be happy too. That's what made something click my brain that I need to change my life around. I'm not saying that I don't cry because I do but not as much because I wouldn't want Ben to be upset. He is still here with me in my heart and I know that he would love Harry because Harry is the person that has put the smile back upon my face. The smile that Ben once knew.

I know that it is hard but please believe that one day everything will get better. Live your life to the max because you only have one life. Don't destroy it yourself because when you're needed that's when you will be taken up to heaven but in the mean time live, laugh and love.

"Babe are you asleep?" Harry shakes my leg, bringing me from my deep thoughts.

Wow! I haven't thought that much for a long while.

"Yeah I'm awake." I smile.

"Good because I think we are nearly here." He keeps his eyes set on the road.

"Finally." I turn my gaze back to the window.


Walking into the beautiful hotel, we first walk into the reception. It's so pretty! All the walls are white with three turquoise sofas back to back in the middle of the floor. It's like the sofa are somehow attached to one another...it's so unique. Hanging over the sofas is a gorgeous black chandelier, with has black diamonds on a string dangling around it. The flooring is black long tiles. I'm guessing the theme of this hotel is black and white then.

"There's reception." Harry points, before taking my hand in his and leading me over to it.

Behind the white marble desk, sits a middle-aged, blonde woman.

"Hello and welcome to the Mercure Exeter Southgate Hotel. How may I help you today." Her accent is so light and petite.

Harry turns to look at me trying not to laugh at the polite woman's posh accent I guess. Harry always tells me that he doesn't do posh accents. He tells me that they annoy him. I sometime think that I can hear a little bit of a posh accent in Harry when he talks but I don't say anything.

"A room under the name of Styles." Harry's complete different accent sounds through.

The woman nods and looks down to her Apple computer screen.

"Ah yes. You are in room 222. I hope you enjoy your stay here and if there is anything I can help you with just let me know. Would you like a hand with your bags?" She smiles.

"No I will be able to manage...thanks." Oh Harry does have manners. Now that is a first.

"Thank you." I smile to her as she hands over the keys.

Turning around, I notice that the reception area is much bigger then I first thought. Following on from behind the sofas is another room which is a big sitting area. There are chairs with black and white zebra print leather laid on them.

"Fucking hell I think we have just signed up for the zoo." Harry jokes.

"I think we have." I laugh. "Come on there's the lift."

Walking over to the lift, I kind of feel bad because Harry has all of the bags. He wouldn't let me carry any of them...as usual.

Walking onto the lift surrounding us is mirrors, each one shine our reflection to each other.

"Harry this place is so pretty." I beam.

"I'm glad you like it babe." He kisses my forehead.

"We chose well." I state.

"Yes we did. We can work well as a team...sometimes when you decide to listen to me." He jokingly smirks.

It doesn't take us long to reach the second floor. We look on the little arrowed signs which are pointing in all directions with different numbers on.

"There." I point to the arrow which reads 'Rooms 199-256'.

We take off down the long corridors until we come across our room. Opening the door, my eyes widen. It is so big!

Once again the colour theme is black and white but I don't care because if I'm honest I really do love back and white. The colours match so well with one another. The flooring is large, white tiles that the light bounces off. The king-size bed, stands out the most because it is the largest item in the room, but it looks to comfy and soft. Matching the covers on the king-size bed is the curtains, they are the exact same material. The view out of the window is magnificent! Also in the room is a black, glass table with black leather chairs. Underneath the window sill there is place a black, leather three seater sofa which is the exact same match as the chairs. Never in my life have I ever seen a room as beautiful as this one. I would do anything to make it my own room.

"It's pretty amazing right." Harry raises his eyebrows towards me.

"It's better than amazing Harry. It is wonderful! Everything about it is perfect. I love it." I excitedly grin as I walk to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"This is now our time. Like I have said before it's just me and you. No worries or troubles will hang over our head. We will relax and enjoy this break." Harry puts the bags down and wrests his hands on my hips, pulling my slightly closer.

"I love you." I look into his eyes.


Please Read:-

The start to this chapter is pretty deep...I know but I was just trying to prove a point that one day all of the bad things that are happening in your life will come to an end. I know a person who sadly ended their life because they thought that they couldn't cope anymore and I also know a few people who are going through a very tough patch in their life right now but I promise everyone that one day all your troubles will end. Please just don't harm yourself. Speak to somebody because by telling somebody your troubles, it will give a breath of fresh air. I'm always here for anybody who needs someone to talk to. Just message me <3

I know that people who are being bullied feel very alone and sad. They feel as if there is no escape or ending to the life of being traumatised but please don't take it out of yourself because you will be letting the bullies win. Bullies are people who are sick and twisted and have nothing better to do with their life then to make someone else's life a misery. I sadly also know someone who ended there life through being bullied recently. Bullies make me sick and so angry! Please talk to somebody if you are getting bullied, get every bit of support that you need <3

Here is a song that is about bullies and speaks so much truth. You're Not Innocent by Codi Kaye. I will put the link up for you to listen to it.

Thank you all for reading.

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