Chapter 36

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I woke up the next morning and turned to face the ceiling, I looked at my left hand and saw the diamond ring still there on my ring finger, good, so the whole thing last night was not just a dream! I sighed happily to myself then heard my phone buzz softly on my side table, I reached out my hand to get it and flipped it up.

"Morning Beautiful!" It was a text message from Jedayel, my heart bounced up again, I got up and went to brush my teeth then went downstairs. My parents were already awake.

"Ameerah!" My mom beamed, "Breakfast?"

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"Ok, so we're planning to formally announce you're engagement this afternoon - Oh but we need a picture!" My mom said frantically.

"What are you saying?" I asked confused.

"On the family page, there can't be an announcement with no picture!" My mom mumbled more to herself than me.

"Baba?" I looked at my dad.

"You know the family page right?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"We need to announce your engagement on there, you know, so the family knows, and we need a picture because it looks nice," My dad explained.

"Ok, but I have picture allergies so..."

"Ameerah!" My mom said seriously, "No more jokes! Eat you're breakfast, God, how will you take care of yourself,"

"Chill mama," I laughed.

"Zack we need to get a new camera!" My mom exclaimed to my dad.

"Why? What's wrong with ours?" My dad asked.

"We need a professional one! It need to be high quality! Oh Ameerah will look so beautiful!"

"Ok," My dad sighed.

"But for the wedding we need to hire photographists!"

"Aidah! One step at a time!" My dad smiled.

"Ok, ok," My mom calmed down.

The whole afternoon was in picture taking! We only needed one picture to post on the family page but you know moms, they want absolute perfection for you!

"Jedayel, hold her hand up so the ring can be shown off," My mom suggested.

"Yes that's perfect," Jedayel's mom grinned snapping the camera.

"Please tell me that's it!" I said.

Jedayel's mom showed the picture to my mom,

"Oh it's beautiful!" My mom exclaimed, "This is the best engagement picture I have ever seen!"

"Isn't it?" Jedayel's mom agreed.

"Finally," Jedayel breathed running a hand through his hair.

"Why don't you all come over for dinner?" Jedayel's mom suggested.

"Oh that would be great,"

"Hey kiddo! Woah, you're no kid any more!" Jamal (Jedayel's big brother) said when he saw me.

"I know," I grinned.

"So umm, you sure you feeling ok? I mean, Jedayel, really?" He muttered to me.

"Shut up," Jedayel punched his shoulder.

"Yeah, we don't wanna change her mind eh?" Jamal joked.

Jedayel rolled his eyes.

"Aah there's Jennah!" Jamal smiled picking up his little sister, she was six years old now and had grown so much since the last time I saw her!

"Say hi Jennah," Jedayel said to her.

"Who she?" She asked in her adorable baby voice.

"That's Ameerah," Jamal said rocking her on his laps.

"She pwetty," She said putting her finger into her mouth.

"She is definetely my favourite!" I grinned.

"Dinner's ready kids!" Jedayel's dad called.

"So, did you get what you wanted?" Jedayel asked after dinner, we were in the drive way and Jedayel had just shown me his new car.


"You know, to see the world, that's what you said remember? You wanted to see the world."

"Oh yeah," I remembered, "I saw the world, but I realised, what I wanted was not to see the world.. But to change it,"

"You will," He told me, "It's like that's what you were meant to do,"

"Why? I asked kind of confused.

"One million starts with one, and you've been changing things you don't like since high school.. One step at a time."

"Let me see the ring!" Megan squealed, it had been a week since our engagement was made official and the whole gang had come to congratulate us. I held our my hand and showed off the diamond ring.

"Wow," Rob said.

"How much is it worth?" Waleed said, a slow grin appearing on his face.

"Shut up," I punched his chest.

"Shut up," He mimicked. I punched him again.

"Ouch! I'm human you know!"

"No you're not, you're a robot, Wall-E," Jedayel joked.

"So where and when is the wedding?" Megan asked.

"In Lebanon this summer," Jedayel verified.

"Ameerah's going to wear a dress?" Waleed exclaimed.

I punched him again.

"Why?!" He wailed.

"Shut up Waleed," Rob said.


"But it is a good question," Rob grinned automatically raising his hands in defence.

"Yes, Ameerah is going to wear a dress and she will look beautiful," Jedayel stated putting his hand around my shoulders.

"Awww," Megan cracked..

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