Chapter 34

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I was 23 and had just graduated from university and gotten a great job in the government as head of the 'Make Poverty History' project.

"Ameerah, dinner's ready," My mom poked her head into my room as I was just finishing off the report which was due in next Monday.

"Ok, I'm done," I said.

"You working?" She asked coming to sit beside me.

"Just finished," I smiled at her, "I just had to finish off this report,"

"For the project?" My mom asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Who would have thought, my baby girl, the head of a project!" 

"Aww mama," I teased.

"Let's go before the dinner freezes!" My mom insisted.

Yeah so I still lived with my parents, see I was the only child and my parents are in their early fifties, and although they weren't old enough o retire, I still wanted them to take it easy, so after I finished university I moved back in with my parents and got a job straight and worked my way up to the top.

Honestly speaking neither of my parents have to work with the salary that I get, but my dad refused to stay home, he said he wanted to feel like a grandpa when he actually was a grandpa so he carried on working. 

Fortunately my mom was much easier to convince,

"Imagine how much more free time you'll have, you can go shopping and have fun, it's time to live mama!" I had told her, that won her over easily!

I set the table and sat down as my mom opened the steaming hot dish.

"Looks good!" My dad grinned.

"You're dad cooked," My mom told me, "So if he praises this food, we all know why,"

"Of course," I laughed.

"So how is you're project going Ameerah?" My dad asked, spooning his rice.

"It's going good, we're planning to fly into africa next month," I said.

"Oh my god Ameerah, you've been like all over the globe! To Europe, to Asia and now Africa?" My mom said.

"Yeah, only for a week though, we need to see if this can actually work,"

"She got what she wanted, to see the world," My dad said, 

"Yeah," I nodded softly remembering Jedayel..

"In case you need any brains on the project than you know where to find me," My dad joked, interupting my thoughts.

"About that baba, I can seriously support all three of us without any problem," I started.

"Oh no Ameerah!" My dad cut me off, "You're supposed to start taking care of your parents when they grow old not when they are as young as me!"

"Well, we're so busy growing up ourselves, we forget that our parents are also growing old," I said, "I don't want to be like that,"

"You're not like that Ameerah, if you were then you wouldn't offer to single handedly take care of us," My mom said soothingly.

"Exactly," My dad agreed, "Now isn't this rice great?"

"You bet," I laughed.

After dinner, my dad and I were having a very heated discussion on which soccer player was the best.

"Ameerah you keep switching sides!" My dad said finally.

My mom laughed at that.

"Oh Ameerah," My mom said, "You remember Abdullah? He and his parents are coming in a few hours," 

A few guys had proposed to me, through my parents of course, because in our tradition, the guy, through the girl's parents proposes and then the girl meets him and sees whether she likes him or not... And I didn't like any of the guys that had proposed.. I guess you're wondering about Jedayel right? Well so am I, and I'm guessing that unlike me, he moved on with his life, see after that day, we kinda stopped talking to each other, we lost complete comtact with each other and let's be honest, he deserves some one much better than me.

I came downstairs when the family had arrived. The guy, Abdullah, didn't look so bad, but not that good either.

"Come in, come in," My parents invited.

"So umm, what job do you have?" I asked him trying to make conversation.

"None yet," He said.

"But you're 25!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, my parents are paying for my expenses." He said normally.

I saw my mom taking the tea cups, I immediatly stood up to help her.

"You want to talk to him alone?" She asked me when we were alone in the kitchen.

"No, definetely not!" I stated, 

"Not him either?" My mom asked.

"He's 25 and he doesn't have a job!"

"You know what Ameerah? Maybe you can't find the right guy in they guys we've found you because maybe you're already in love." She said softly.

"He's probably gotten on with his life," I mumbled.

"Ameerah!" My mom called, 

"Yeah?" I came downstairs.

"Ameerah get ready, a guy has proposed and we'd like you to meet him," My mom said.

"Ok," I said and went up to get ready, I wore a plain turquoise blue shirt with black pants and a printed black hijab, my mom told me to be simple because it was more beautiful.

"So what's this guy's name?" I asked as I waited for them in the living room.

"I forgot actually," My mom said honestly.

"Ok," I said... The bell rang.

"They're here," My mom jumped up, she was more nervous than I was!

My dad was the first to the door, he made sure all of us looked perfect than opened the door.

"Salaam Alaikum," He greeted the parents and invited them inside, the parents standing outside were blocking their son, when they came inside than I saw their son..

Am I dreaming? I saw an exceptionally young man with black hair and slightly tanned skin, small black eyes and a tough, tall muscular body build.. No way!!


Haha, sorry about the cliff hanger there :P

Hope you enjoy :)

XxxLovesJacobXxx, here's the chapter ;)

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