Chapter 32

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Megan's Point of View.

"Ok guys I'll see you at lunch," Ameerah said when the bell rang.

"See you then," Jedayel smiled, and even I have to admit, that smile had it's charm.

She set off down the hallway and Jedayel stared after her.

"Well do something," I punched his shoulder.

"What?" He said acting confused rubbing his shoulder.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "It's obvious you like her,"

"Yeah, as if," 

"Wow, you two were like made for each other, I mean seriousley, you both have the EXACT same reaction!" I laughed.

"Wait what? Reaction for what?"

"Well she denied liking you as well but as we all know, I know everything,"

"Ok then.. So what should I do?" Jedayel asked, defeated.

"Well, we both know Ameerah's a simple girl, she'd appreciate a small gesture ten times more than something exotic.. So umm, figure out something,"

"Really? That's all you're going to help me?"

"It has to be somthing from the heart, if I tell you it won't be very 'from the heart'" I pointed out.

"Makes sense," He nodded.

"So you have any ideas?" I asked.

"Maybe," He grinned.

Ameerah's Point of View.

"So, whatcha doing after school today?" Jedayel asked me as we were on our way to the Subway shop near our uni.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing,"

"Change that to something," He grinned, "I'll meet you at the buss stop,"

"Ok, it's a date," I smiled.

"Yup," He nodded.

Megan and I entered our not so messy apartment, I took a quick shower and slipped on a plain green long sleeved tshirt and blue jeans and a darker shade of green headscarf.

"Oh that's perfect!" Megan squeeleed as I was about to leave. "I'm so proud of you, you can finally dress yourself."

"Haha Meg," I grinned, "See you later,"

"Bye, I'm waiting for the full insider ok?"

"Sure," I called out closing the door behind me.

"Hey princess," Jedayel grinned when he saw me.

"Hey, so where we going?" I asked.

"Some where," He said, "Come on."

I followed him, and finally he stopped. I looked around at where we had come, it was beautiful! There was a lake reflecting the full white moon and the million of twinkling gem like stars that filled the sky, we were no longer in the city, we had come through a forest and there was fresh green grass under our feet and the soft sound of chirping crickets in the background.

"So what do you think?" He asked, that's when I realised I had gone speechless.

"Wow!" I managed to say. "How did you find this place?"

"Thought you'd like it," He smiled, leaning on the fence that was just before the lake, probably preventing any one form diving into it.

"It's amazing!" I said in awe.

"i know," He agreed.

"So, truth or dare?" Jedayel asked randomly.

"Umm, dare?" I said.

"Ok, I dare you to tell me a secret you've never told any one before." He said.

"Thanks for making it easy," I huffed.

"You're welcome," He smirked.

"Ok let me think," I said letting my thoughts wonder, back to when I was in high school, then with my parents then here in university, ...  "I can't think of anything," I said abruptly.

"You are a terrible liar," He grinned softly.

"I'm serious!" I denied.

"Come on it's just me.." He said.

"Ok fine," I sighed, "But you can't laugh or comment on it and you can't tell any one!"

"I got the last one," He joked.

I took a deep breath. "You know that bloke Omar? He's like a year older than us?"

"Yeah, we met briefly.. The guys who got beaten up by those other older guys and then you helped him pick his books up right?" He asked.

"Yeah that one.."

"What about him?"

"Well, he kinda asked me out and I kinda rejected him.. Online,"

"You rejected him online?" Jedayel grinned, "Must have broken his heart!"

"I told you not to comment!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry princess, it's just funny!"

"I told you not to laugh either," I muttered blushing uncontrollably, why couldn't I be a good liar?

"Ok, ok," He said, his eyes twinkling.

"Ok, so your turn, truth or dare?"


"Is it true you were scared to choose dare?" I grinned.

"Very true!" He admitted laughing.

So we played truth or dare for a while, then it turned just into truth and then we were laughing uncontrollably.

"Ameerah," Jedayle said suddenly serious.

"What is it?" I asked curious.

He knelt down in front of me and took out a small box and opened it. A wedding ring! It was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen, a silver ring with a real diamond as the stone.

"Wow!" I gasped.

"Will you? He asked.

"I.." I was speechless, I took the box from his hand and looked at the ring, he stood up, taller than me and looked down at my expression.

"I'm only nineteen," I said finally.

"And I'm only twenty," He grinned.

"I really want to say yes," I said.

"What's stopping you?" He asked softly.

"I want to see the world first, I'm so young, I don't want to settle and everything," I said quietly than looked up at him.

"I get it," He sighed and took the box back. 

"Will you wait for me?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course princess, I love you,"

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