Chapter 24

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"What about my son?" My aunt Maymoona said in a shaky delicate voice.

"I'm sorry," I began, "I'm sorry that he's gone, really I am. I know it's not easy to lose some one you love so dearly and I know it's impossible to replace your baby,"

"And how do you know all that?" She asked coldly, "You've never suffered a day in your life."

"All those times you've complained about me to my parents, you think that's not suffering? My dad barely trusts me and you don't know what it's like to have some one like my dad look at me in that bitter disappointment all because of your words."

She sighed in defeat.

"I understand it's hard to get over a death like that, but your son's birthday and death day were written whether I was born that same day or not... It's not my fault," I said softly.

"I know it's not, but it's just so much easier to blame it on someone," She sighed. "Every time I see you doing those boyish stuff like skateboarding or playing soccer I remember my son and think about how he could be doing all of that stuff.. That's the reason I try and get your parents to stop you.."

I nodded, acknowledging her point.

"The thing is, life is a test, and some of these tests have that killer question that no one can guess.. Some pass the test and some fail." She said, "My killer question is the death of my son, and the way things are, I don't think I can pass."

"You have to pass Auntie Maymoona," I said desperately, "For your son, so you can see him again.. In heaven."

"You are a miracle you know that?" She said taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, my mom couldn't have any kids,"

"And she did, your parents were so happy about you when you were born, they threw my feeling completely to the side, they didn't even care I had lost my son, no one did, every one was fussing over you."

"I'm sorry about that," I said quietly.

"You don't need to apologize for what your parents did."

"Yes I do, because you are taking out your anger of my parents on me." I stated.

After an icy long silence she finally spoke up. 

"I'm sorry Ameerah.. Can we start over?"

"Of course we can," I smiled.. 

Mission impossible was finally conquered, I was going to look forward to the new year :)

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