Chapter 21

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That night after dinner, I waited till my dad had gone to bed before I came down to talk to my mom.

"Ameerah, why are you up so late?" She asked concerned.

"Just a little something I need to tell you," I said, telling her what I saw at Rob's place. 

My mom nodded after I finished my story and told me to get some rest, I went upstairs and climbed into bed. What Rob did not know was that when I had asked if I could tell my mom, my mom was actually and undercover social worker, that meant she would see what's going on without actually entering the house and then getting straight into action when least expected.

The next day, school started off very normally until Sociology, when Rob was unexpectedly pulled out of class by some one, I had no idea who they were, when Rob came back into class he looked kind of confused, scared and relieved all at once.

"Ameerah," He said pulling me to the side after class had finished.

"Who was that guy?" I asked clulessly.

"Some undercover social worker thingamabob," He said looking even more confused. "You said you wouldn't tell any one!"

"Apart from my mom.." I reminded.

"And she.."

"Is an undercover social worker, yup." I said confirming what he had picked up.

"They arrested my dad," He sighed.

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Yeah, really good, and they took my mom into medical care.. And they think i should see a psychologist," He said pulling out a business card that the social worker must have given him, "Dr Senglepttee Mfasaa,"

Both of us laughed at the name.

"All of it is already paid for," He said, "They're even going to help out with the payments until my mom is back on her feet and finds a job,"

"That's great!" I smiled, happy for him.

"Wouldn't have happened without you," He grinned, "Thank you."

A few weeks had passed since Rob's dad had been taken out of the scene and he was definitely improving, he went to that psychologist at least twice a week I had gone once with him and the doctor had said that Rob was very damaged psychologically and needed to be delt with very delicately. Luckily, no one in school found out about this issue, no one knew, apart from me and Rob of course.. And Jedayel and Megan because he started hanging out with us and the two of them were on his case straight away, but apart from the four of us, no one suspected anything wrong.

"I feel so alive!" Rob exclaimed as we walked out of school on a early December afternoon, The first snow of the season had already fallen and the whole area was seized with the winter charm.

"Oh look at that snow on the tree branch!" Megan said pointing to the thick layer of snow on the bony tree branch, "It's beautiful!"

"Look at the roads, that must be beautiful to eh," Jedayel smirked, the roads were all jam packed because of the newly fallen snow.

"Oh you always have to look at the negative seriously." Megan huffed.

"I'm looking at what's apparent," Jedayel retorted calmly.

"It's impossible they might let you graduate," She scoffed.

"This is what you listen to all day?" Rob joked.

"You have no idea!" I grinned.

"I feel for you man!"

"Girl!" Megan exclaimed, "Are all guys so stupid!"

"Woah ma bad!" He surrendered.

"Ok there's my stop," Megan said turning to leave,

"Later Meg, " We all said.

"So how's stuff going?" I asked Rob.

"Good actually," He said, "My mom made a dramatic recovery."

"Good for you man," Jedayel said thumping his back lightly.

You know when they nothing is impossible? They were right, because a few weeks ago I would have thought it was impossible for Rob and I to EVER be friends, and now take a look at this!


EID MUBARAK EVERY ONE!!! Take this as like an eid gift chapter :p

Hope you enjoyed it! And enjoy your Eids :)))

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