Chapter 23

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I let the cold breeze blow against my warm face and made pattern like lines in the snow with my foot.

"Noticed you'd gone missing," I heard a voice say, I turned around and saw that it was only Jedayel.

"Ha ha," I said than carried on making patterns in the snow with my foot.

"Whatcha doing out here?" He asked.

"Just thinking.. "


"New year's resolutions I guess,"

"You might want to think about what you've achieved this year first," He said tapping his head.

"What did I achieve?" I asked, more to myself then him.

"You've changed lives Ameerah," He said, "You've turned Rob's life right side up!"

I laughed at that, "Only his life Jedi,"

"And Jamal's too," He mumbled, "If you didn't tell me to set him straight than I'd have left him to damn himself."

"Yeah I'm pretty amazing," I grinned.

"Note the use of 'pretty amazing' not 100% amazing like me," He smirked.

"Be real!" I laughed shoving him playfully.

"I am real! Real and better then every one else," He winked.

"Yeah and more modest," I rolled my eyes.

"That too,"

"I was being sarcastic.."

"How is it sarcasm if it's true?" He asked putting on a fake frown.

 "It would take you eighty four thousand years to-"  I just remembered something!


"Eighty four!" I exclaimed.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked frowning.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I laughed, "I just remembered, my aunt live on eighty four Alfred Smith!"

"Yeah, that's just the two blocks away, and you're evil aunt?"

I nodded, "I'm going to go visit her for a bit, just cover for me,"

"Wait why are you?" He began but I had already set off.

I rang her doorbell and waited patiently for her to open.

"Oh Ameerah, what an unexpected surprise," She said, not sounding the least bit surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you," I said.

"Oh ok, well come in," She said sounding slightly confused.

Once we were in her congested house she was the first to break the silence, "So what's all this about?"

"About your son..."

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