Chapter 11

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"Guess what?!" Jedayel exclaimed.

"You made the team?" I grinned.


"Congrats man!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know, I'm awesome,"

"Yeah, but not as awesome as me,"

"Please," He said, "I am the king of awesomeness."

"Of course, in your dreams right?" I joked

"Pfft no," He laughed.

"Ok guys, project dump Rob done and sealed." Megan said.

"You are too weird," Jedayel sighed.

"Shutup," Megan said.

"Hey respect your elders!" Jedayel exclaimed.

"I'm older then you," Megan huffed rolling her eyes.

"Oh yeah.. Ok Ameerah I guess that only works with you," He grinned.

"You're only older by a year," I said.

"Yup, a whole twelve months," He said, "Being old isn't as easy as it looks you know, I need respect,"

"Sure thing grandpa."

Everything was back to normal.

I came home from school and left my house keys on the kitchen counter then got my lunch from the fridge and heated it up in the microwave, I sat down on the table and was about to start eating when I saw an old picture album on the table. I opened it and started flipping through the pages. The first few pages had pictures of my mom and dad when they were in university, the pictures where in black and white,. My dad had a huge Afro and wore those big black rimmed glasses,

'thank god he doesn't have the Afro or those glasses anymore,' I said to myself.

My mom was simple in almost all of the pictures, she mostly wore a black hijab with simple embroidery and tshirts and jeans. Her skin was milky white just like mine and her eyes were sapphire blue. My dad's skin was tanned and he was at least a few inches taller than my mom.

I carried on turning the pages and saw baby me, I was in my dad's hands. I remember my parents telling me once that I was a miracle baby, you see the doctors said the my mom could not have any kids of her own, but my parents really wanted to have a baby and then some how, my mom got pregnant with me, the doctors said it was impossible but here I am, and I'm the only child so you can imagine how spoilt I must be!

I saw my grandparents from my mom's side, both of them looking so much younger, my grandma with her strawberry blond her and my grandpa tanned as ever with his curly black hair cut short and his dark brown eyes twinkling. Then I saw my grandparents from my dad's side, my grandpa with his radiant skin and light brown hair and olive green eyes and my grandma wearing her hijab, short and plump with milk chocolate skin and beautiful hazel brown eyes.

I heard the doorbell ring and banged the picture album then went to open the door.

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