Chapter 27

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"Ameerah are you up? Ameerah get up!" Megan's voice came in the voice mail on my cell phone. "Ameerah Hasaan pick up the phone this instant!"

I opened my heavy eyelids and reached for my phone.

"What?" I asked grumpily

"It's graduation day that's what!" She exclaimed.

"It starts at ten.."

"I know, and I also knew you'd only wake up half an hour early to get ready that's why I woke you up four hours in advance."

"Because I so need four hours to get ready." I groaned.

"Yeah you do I'm coming over to make sure you use these four hours wisely." She said then hung up.

I groaned and heaved myself out of bed and went to take a cold shower to wake myself up then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"I can't believe my baby girl is going to graduate today!" My mom squealed.

"I know mama.. Meg's coming over like now," I said.

"Ok, you girls dress good for your graduation and I'm going to go charge my camera."

"Ok," I said then heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey hey!" Megan said cheerfully.

"Hey Meg," I said letting her in.

"So what are you going to wear?" She asked sitting on my bed.

"Clothes," I grinned.

"You are impossible." She said opening my closet and searching for an outfit for me to wear.

"Oh this would look great on you!" She said pulling out a purple top.

"Oh that's my mom's," I said, "Must have put it here by accident.

"Right," She said folding her arms.

"I don't wear purple."

"This is going to take a while," She sighed.

Finally at nine we are all set and ready to go, Megan straightened her hair then curled it to make it look perfect, she wore a floral purple full length dress under her blue graduation gown.

And I wore a dark blue undershirt with a laced blue tshirt on top with black trousers and a midnight blue scarf.

"You girls look wonderful!" My dad exclaimed when he came in to check if we were ready to go.

"Aww thanks Mr Hasaan," Megan smiled.

"Oh Meg you did an amazing job dressing yourself and Ameerah up!" My mom said her whole face in smiles.

"It took a while but it was worth it," Megan smiled back.

"It seems like just yesterday we walked through those grey school doors for the first time and were too small and shy to say a word to any one and today we are going to walk out of this building for the last time. Our senior year has grown to close to one another and although we'll all be going to different universities, some here and some on the other side of the world, we'll always keep contact with each other, because we all have facebook," Mia said at the graduation speech as there was a ripple of laughter at her joke. "I wish all my senior class mates good luck and congratulations!"

Then the diplomas were handed out to us in alphabetical order.

"Well, we made it!" Mia exclaimed once all the diplomas were handed out. and then there was a huge cheer as every one threw their hats up into the air and the confetti burst and the sky was a mixture of a sea of blue graduation hats and sprinkles of confetti.

"I can't believe we're done with this!" Megan exclaimed through all the noise, tears were running down her cheeks, she hugged me. We searched through the crowd for the guys, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw them, all three of them had opened their graduation gowns and were dressed in the same white shirt and black pants.

"School's out!" Waleed shouted, "And this time for good!"

Rob, Jedayel, Megan and I laughed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm going to actually miss school!" Rob exclaimed.

"We all are!" Jedayel agreed.

"Rob!" Rob's mom called digging out her camera, and before we knew it all our parents were there flashing the camera, taking pictures of all of us.

"Megan honey could you take a picture of all three of us?" My mom asked Megan as she and my dad both posed for the picture, and I too smiled.

I was about to walk out of school when I heard a voice amidst the crowd calling my name.

It  was Lyndsey.

"Hey, you look great!" She told me.. Why would she say that?

"Thanks, you too," I said honestly, her blond hair was curled and styled into a complicated knot.

"I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry, what you and your friends said that day gave me alot to think about and maybe if I hadn't been so obsessed with being popular then maybe we could have been friends.." She said sounding very sincere.

"I forgive you," I smiled.

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"Thank you!" She smiled hugging me, "Good luck Ameerah."

I looked back at my high school one last time where so many memories flooded my mind, before I walked out of it forever and headed on to see what the future held for me. I made it!!

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