Chapter 22

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The Christmas holidays were fast approaching and the school burst with Christmas decorations.

"So listen you guys, I'm going to be throwing a Christmas party at my place next weekend and literally the whole school is going to come, so will you guys be able to make it?" Megan asked as we lazed around the toasty warm school.

"I'm sure I can," Rob said.

"Yeah me too I guess," Jedayel nodded.

"What about you Ameerah?" She asked me.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"Great," She squealed.

I quickly shut the door when I came home from school that afternoon and let the warm air wash over me, I hung my coat and gloves by the door and went to take a steamy hot shower as I brewed up a plan to make my parents in an extra good mood so that they would let me go to Megan's party.

"Megan's having a party at her place next weekend," I told my parents after dinner.

"You invited?" My mom asked managing to fit the last dish of food into the fridge.


"Is it mixed?" My dad asked flipping his newspaper.

"Uhh yeah, can I go?"

"No," My dad said straight on.

"Why?" I wailed like a kid already guessing the answer.

"Because you can not go to a mixed party," My dad stated.

"Ok, so on one hand you encourage me not to wear my hijab and on the other hand you don't allow me to go to a mixed party? How does that work!?" I asked totally confused.

"Zack, you're not in Lebanon any more, all the parties here are mixed and I don't see anything wrong with that." My mom said sticking up for me.

"So you're ok with her going?" My dad asked.

"As long as she maintains her hijab both socially and physically then I have absolutely no problem," My mom said, you see the thing about the hijab is that it's not just as simple as a piece of cloth to cover your hair, once you wear the hijab you need to have a social hijab as well, meaning that you have to speak good not gossip and say nice words and not be flirty with guys.

"Will there be any drinking there?" My dad asked.

"I don't think so-"

"If there is you call us to come pick you up straight away, got it?"

"Got it."

It was four o' clock on a Saturday afternoon when I was getting ready for Megan's party, I had to wear something Christmas because she had made it a fancy christmasy dress party. So I opened my closet and picked out a long sleeved red tshirt which was a few inches above my knees and white jeans to go with it, it was simple but I wasn't the girly type of girl, anything worked.

My mom drove me off to Megan's house because my dad was working that day. Megan had asked me to come an hour early to help prepare.

"I'll come pick you at eight," My mom said.

"Thanks, bye mama," I replied getting out of the car.

"Thanks for coming by early!" Megan said as I helped her hang up the tinsel.

"Chill," I said.

As soon as the clock struck five, guests began to pour in like crazy, the whole house was filled with excited chatter, all in the Christmas spirit. We had to refill the food on the buffet table at least five times!! 

About an hour into the party my head began to ache with all the noise and chatter, I grabbed my coat off the coat hanger and stepped outside for some fresh air, clearing my mind...

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