Chapter 25

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It was late February and winter time was at it's peak. Megan and I were at the mall, she forced me to come just for you info! Since we were graduating at the end of the year, she was already shopping for her graduation outfit.

"I'm bored!" I wailed like a little kid, "Can we go?"

"Drink your hot chocolate," She said like a mom would say to their child to keep them quiet. 

"Haha," I laughed sarcastically but then ended up laughing for real.

We were at  'Dress For Every Occasion' where Megan was looking at a full length purple flowey gown.

"Isn't it nice?" She asked searching the dress for a price tag.

"You'll trip while going up to get your diploma," I joked.

"I can walk in a dress unlike some people," She rolled her eyes. and looked around at the other dresses.

"Do I know that person?" I wondered out loud looking out of the shop at a boy who was about my age and had slightly tanned skin and short dark brown spiky hair.

"Ooh, he's hot, nice eye Ameerah," Megan giggled.

"You are not human Meg," I shook my head at her.

"Puh- lease," She laughed, "Let's go,"

"Waleed!" I said aloud to Megan remembering who he was. A bit to loud though because he heard and turned around.

"What's wrong with you?" Megan whispered angrily.

"The guy is Waleed," I whispered back, then went up to him.

"Do I know you?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

"I think so, you are Waleed right?"

"Uhh yeah, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Ameerah remember, from Madressa (in arabic it means school but in the west we use it for religion classes)" I said.

"No way!" He exclaimed, "Meerkat Ameerah?"

"Yeah," I laughed.

"Woah, you've changed so much! you used to be that tiny chubby girl now your so different!" He said.

"Yeah you too!" I exclaimed, "You used to be much fatter back then!"

He laughed.

"Oh, this is Megan," I said remembering she was standing awkwardly there.

"Hi," She said putting on her best smile.

"Hey there," He grinned.

"So I thought you moved out of town, you back for holiday or something?" I asked.

"No, I moved back just two days ago, going to go to school here till the end of the year," He said

"Serious?" I asked knowing he was a non stop joker.

"No jokes," He laughed, "So Jedi still around? Or did he move out?"

"No he's still there," I said, "In the same house a well,"

"Oh I should go see him," Waleed said.

"Sure, see you around,"

"See ya,"

"So what's the case with him?" Megan asked.


"You know, is he single?" 

"Go ask him," I grinned.

"Well he is hawt!" Megan raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah sure," I said uninterested.

Monday morning had come and Jedayel was introducing Waleed to Rob.

"Aaah so you guys are like the fantastic four eh?" Waleed grinned at us all crowded around the lockers.

"Yup,  and now we're fantastic four with Wall-E," Jedayel said, that was Waleed's nickname we had given him, as you can tell we watched wayyy to many movies.

"Or famous five," Waleed winked.

"Yeah, I liked fantastic four with Wall-E more," I said.

"Me too," Rob nodded.

"You guys are so weird," Megan groaned.

"What is your problem?" Jedayel said.

"My problem is that you are a-"

"This is the daily morning ritual," I told Waleed leaning on my locker.

"Must be entertaining," Waleed grinned.

"You have no idea!" Rob said.

"I can't believe we are going to be graduating at the end of the year!" Megan said setting her lunch tray down on our regular table, we had to sit inside the cafeteria because it was too cold to be outside. 

"You don't know if you're going to graduate," Jedayel muttered poking his fork at his lunch.

"I heard that," Megan said sharply.

"Praise God! You have such wonderful hearing!" Jedayel said, he was obviousley being sarcastic.

Rob, Waleed and I burst out laughing but Megan wasn't very amused at all.

"If any one is not going to graduate it would be you," She said angrily.

"Oh how terrible of you!" He said dramatically.

Megan rolled her eyes and Jedayel smirked.

"You two ever think of joing 'Comedy Today'? Waleed asked laughing hard.

"No." Megan said shortly grtting her teeth.

"Why so serious?" He joked imittating the Joker from 'Batman' very accurately.

"I give up," Megan huffed and started to eat.

"Aww there goes our lunch entertainment," Rob fake moaned.

"And that's what our daily lunch is like," I grinned at Waleed.

"Sounds legit," He said.

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