Chapter 5

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"How was school?" My dad asked sitting on the couch reading his newspaper.  My dad grew up in one of the richest houses in Lebanon, his parents were the strictest muslims I've ever seen, and my dad, well, he wasn't too strict, he was kind of the opposite.

"It was normal baba," I answered while cleaning my school bag, we were all in the living room having our daily 'family time'.

"Normal as in?"

"As in normal," I grinned.

"Was that Bob guy bothering you again?" My dad asked concerned.

"It's Rob," I said and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah that guy, was he?"

"Kind of," I mumbled, from all the things in the world, my greatest weakness had to be lying.

"About your hijab?" He asked


"This is getting out of hand Ameerah," My dad said putting his newspaper down and running a hand through his pitch black hair.

"I have it under control baba, chill,"

"If it wasn't for your hijab there would be nothing to have under control,"

"She is not taking her hijab off," My mom said sternly to my dad.

"It's her choice Aidah," My dad replied.

Both my parents lookd at me.

"I can wear my hijab," I said softly.

"There you go," My mom said

My dad sighed, "Are you sure Ameerah?"

"Of course baba,"

Later that night my mom came into my room, 

"Ameerah, about your hijab,earlier tonight- I didn't mean to influence your decision, even if you decide to take off your hijab it's fine with me,"

"You didn't mama, I want to wear my hijab, it defines who I am,"

"I'm so proud of you," My mom said hugging me. "Now go sleep, keep your special eyes healthy."

My mom had always said my eyes were special but I never understood why. Maybe it's because you could never tell what color they were, they would always change colour depending on what I was wearing, they were grey but if I'd wear blue, then my iris would turn kind of blueish.

I got into bed and fell asleep straight away, not even thinking about tomorrow.. and definitely not looking forward to it.

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