Chapter 12

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I went to open the door to see who it was... Oh great, it was my famous Auntie Maymoona.

"Salaam Alaikum!" She greeted with her high pitched squeaky voice.

"Wa Alaikum Salaam," I said forcing a smile on my face. Ok So I'm guessing you've sensed that I don't like her, and that is 100% correct, I am not fond of this aunt at all.

"You have grown so much, turning into a beautiful young lady!" She said.

I smiled, isn't it so awkward when old people tell you that you've grown? I mean what can you answer back.. You've grown too?

"Uhh come in," I said holding the door open for her.

"Is your mom around?"

"No, she's still at work, but she'll be home soon," I said.

"Oh, I'll stop by some other time, she'll be tired when she's back from work,"

"Ok, I'll tell her you stopped by,"

"Yes, that would be nice," She said leaving.

I gave a sigh of relief as she went, this aunt of mine meant nothing but trouble, she's that trouble-maker you find in every family, the one who always has to find one issue or the other, and mostly, her issue would be me, I'm guessing that's why she came here in the first place. She lives in the same district as us so she sees me alot around school and the neighborhood, in the malls on the weekends.

A few weeks ago she had complained to my parents about me hanging out with a group of guys in the mall, I remember the whole conversation. My mom had picked up the phone early Sunday morning, than the usual 'hi how are you'. I could only hear what my mom was saying as the phone wasn't on loud speaker.

"Mhmm..... Ok....... Really?....... Thank you for calling.. Ma'salama (bye)" My mom had said.

"What did she want this time?" My dad asked, watching TV, his feet were on the show table.

"Firstly, put your feet down," My mom said, "The table will break."

"You've been saying that for seventeen years Aidah and the table is still as good as new," My dad said grinning at me.

"Zackariya!" My mom said sternly, when she used my dad's full name we knew she was serious, usually she just called him Zack.

"Ok, ok," He said putting his feet on the floor, "So what did she want?"

"She called to complain about Ameerah," My mom said.

"What did she say this time?" My dad asked.

"She saw Ameerah hanging out with a group of guys in the mall on Friday evening." 

"Ameerah you were in the mall Friday evening," My dad said suddenly getting serious.

"I know baba but I wasn't hanging out with a group of guys!" I exclaimed.

"So your saying Maymoona is lying?" He asked.

"Can I explain?"

"Yes, Ameerah, explain," My mom said calmly before my dad could say anything.

"I was with Jedayel and Megan and then this group of guys who were Jedayel's friends stopped to congratulate him on making the football team, that's it I swear."

"Ameerah I trust you enough to go to the mall-"  My dad began.

"Zack if she says that's it then that's it," My mom cut him off.

"But Aidah-"

"This is the west Zack, hanging out with guys is normal, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it if you maintain your hijab, and that's exactly what Ameerah did." My mom told him.

My dad kept quiet.

"Don't you trust me baba?" I asked softly.

"Of course I trust you Ameerah," His expression softened.

"Then what's the problem?"

"There is no problem," He sighed, "No problem at all."

That night just before I was going to bed my mom came in to my room.

"You ok Ameerah?" She asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Don't worry about your father," She told me soothingly, "Maymoona is his brother's wife, they are very close.. She was also the one who persuaded you grandparents to let us get married, that's why he takes what she says so seriously." 

"She's a liar," I said roughly.

"I know you're angry but she's still your aunt and she deserves the respect,"

"Sorry," I sighed.

"You know why your dad took her news so seriously?"

"Why?" I asked suddenly curious.

"Because whatever news she gets news here she tells your dad's parents in Lebanon and that's a problem because they only wanted him too come here for university then go back and live in Lebanon, but the education system in Lebanon is not as good as here in the west, and your dad wanted his child to have the best education all through out their life, not just for university," She paused to take a breath, "You know your dad's parents are very cultural in their beliefs, they are very strict."

I nodded.

"If they think we are letting their grand daughter go around and do what ever you want then they will insist we go back to Lebanon and your dad can not argue with his parents, he respects them too much."

"I didn't know that mama," I said.

"Don't worry Ameerah, I'm just letting you know," She smiled, "We both trust you,"

"Thanks mama,"

"Goodnight Ameerah,"

"Good night mama,"

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