Chapter 31

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Jedayel's Point of View.

"Can you believe the Barcelona soccer match tickets are already sold out?" Ameerah said disappointed, "And they are playing right here, like right here and the tickets are sold out."

"The match is going to come on TV, no big deal," Megan said calmly.

The match was the same day as Ameerah's birthday and lucky for her, I knew a person who knew another person who could get us tickets.. Yeah, I'm awesome... But I wasn't going to tell her that until I actually got the tickets.

"It's not the same as seeing it in the stadium Meg!" Waleed and Rob both exclaimed.

"Right, watching a bunch of guys running after a ball, must be so entertaining,"

"Can you believe her?" Waleed said to us.

"No, not really," Ameerah grinned.

"See?" Waleed said to Megan, "You are not, I repeat are NOT human!"

"You got to go to the lecture hall too?" Ameerah asked me looking at her schedule, her eyelashes long and curled and her light grey eyes more beautiful than beautiful.

"Yeah," I said looking down at her, trying not to get carried away by her beauty, she was that type of person who did absolutely nothing about her appearance and still looked like 'Miss Universe'

Next Morning.

"You must be pretty bummed out about the match huh?" I asked Ameerah as we were waiting for the professer to come in to the class.

"Yeah," She said, but as usual, she never complained, just hid everything in a dazzling smile which made my heart do a back flip at least twice!

"Well, lucky for you, I got these.." I grinned pulling out two tickets out of my jacket pocket.

"What? Let me see that!" She exclaimed taking the tickets from my hand. "But it's sold out! How did you - Am I dreaming?"

"Well, let's just say.. I am pretty awesome," I laughed at her reaction.

"Only this time I have to agree," She grinned.

 Ameerah's Point of View.

"Megan!!" I exclaimed banging the apartment door behind me. "Meg get your butt here!"

"What? Who died?" She asked rushing in.

"Jedayel got me tickets to the soccer match!" I exclaimed.

"Oh the thing where people run after a ball? Ok." She said, then after a while, she realised everything then exclaimed, "He got you tickets!! What will you wear?!"

"Uhh, clothes?"

"We need to go shopping!" She squealed getting her purse.

"Meg no!" I moaned, shopping was torture!

"Come on!" She said grabbing my hand.

Finally at midnight we were back home with a ton of bags.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"  Megan exclaimed as soon as the clock struck twelve and hugged me so tight i almost fell over.

"Thanks Megan!" I said after she let go of me.

"Ok, so now, you are going to wear this top, and these jeans and these boots, understand?"

"Yes boss," I teased.

"Good, now go sleep, you don't want eyes bags when he comes."

When I woke up that morning, Megan had surprised me with a huge chocolate cake with 'Happy Birthday Ameerah' written on it.

"You are amazing!" I said grinning widely.

"Oh pish posh, I know," She joked. "Now go shower, Jedayel will be here in an hour!" She said pulling me out of bed.

Finally at eleven thirty I was all dressed up, Megan made sure I looked amazing and to be honest, she did quite a good job! I was wearing a long red top with a normal black jacket on top and an off white hijab. My jeans wear tucked into my black leather boots and my gloves wear in my jean pocket. I heard my mobile ring,

"He's down!" I exclaimed looking at the text.

"Ok, stay cool, have fun and you look beautiful!" She hugged me for good luck then I went down.

"Hey," I said getting into his not so new Camry car.

"Happy birthday!" He smiled making my heart melt for the millionth time!

"Thank you!" 

We reached the stadium and in no time at all we were in with front row seats, I could see everything!

"This is awesome!" I exclaimed over the noise of the crowd.

"I know!" He exclaimed back.

After two hours the match had finished and my team won!

"That was so cool!" I said, I was so hyped up!

"It was!" Jedayel agreed with me, "But I'm starving so lets go eat!"

We went to a nearby 'New York fries' and ordered two vegetarian because we can't eat the meat unless it's halal (Halal means the animal must be killed in a way where it gets no pain at all, a quick and easy death and the meat has to be slaughtered in the name of God).

"Thanks Jedayel," I said fidgeting with my gloves, "Alot,"

"Anything for you princess," He grinned.

"Well that was definetely the best birthday ever!" I said when we had reached my apartment.

"Because of me, I know," He smirked.

"You are so full of yourself," I joked.

"And you love it!"

"You wish I did!"

"Can't wish for reality can ya?" He grinned.

"Shut up!" I grinned shoving him softly.

"What happened? How was it? What did you say? What did he say?"  Megan bombarded me with question as soon as I stepped into the apartment.

I told her the story from A to Z.

"Awwww, Ameerah in love!" She teased me.

"No I'm not, he's in love with me ok, I'm irresistable!"

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