Chapter 1

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The amazing cover on the side is made by Cassidyx , :DD

I walked into school, the grey building and the smell of morning breath never failed to drop my mood.

"Hey hey," My friend Megan said as she came up to my locker. Her hair was as straight as ever, she'd probably straightened it again like she did every morning, her natural hair was kind of frizzy but she liked it dead straight.

"Nice hair Meg," I winked, 

"I know," She grinned, "It's natural,"

We both burst out laughing, 

"And might I say, you hijab looks wonderful today," She smiled

The bell rang, we were just about to make our way to class when our friend Jedayel came rushing up the hallway.

"Wait up guys!," he gasped out of breath.

"Girls," Meygan said sharply,

"Whatever," He huffed

"Excuse me I-"

"Guys!!" I said before they got into an argument, "Can we go to class?"

"Girls," Meygan smiled as we made our way to class.

"So why were you late again?" I asked Jedayel

"Issues, tons of issues," He said quietly, probably not wanted Meygan to hear.

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