Chapter 88

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Liam's POV

I quickly change Louis into a nappy and onesie, ignoring how he wiggles and protests. Once finished, I carry him to the bedroom where I sit down on the bed and make him stand between my legs, facing me.

"Listen," I start, keeping my voice as even as I can. I'm still quite upset, but it's not fair to take it out on him. It's mostly the worry and fear that's affecting me now, not the argument we had, so I need to keep a level tone so he doesn't think I'm angry with him. "I know you're upset and shaken by what happened today. I understand that. I'm upset too, Lou. However, you had no excuse for yelling at me like that. And yes, I know you weren't little, but we had made an agreement. Do you remember that agreement, Louis?"

Louis lifts his eyes to my face briefly, then drops them to the floor. "Yes."

"Yes who?" I push. In this situation, I think it would be best if I insist on the most respect possible.

Louis cringes as he repeats "Yes, Daddy."

"We had agreed that you would be little as soon as you got here. Is that what you remember agreeing to?"

He looks up then, eyes blazing with anger, and stares me down. "Yeah, but then-"

"No," I cut him off. "No buts. That was a yes or no question. Is that what you remember?"

"Yes, Daddy." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Hey!" I say sharply. "None of that attitude." I sigh. I really don't know the best way to deal with this. We've never punished him for something this big before. I'm not sure how much lecturing I should do before we get on to the spanking part. "And when you're little, are you allowed to swear?"

"No, Daddy."

Well, at least he's picking up on what I'm expecting from him. That's a start. However, his facial expression is still very clearly one of anger and frustration.

"Do you understand why I need to punish you?" I set my hands on Louis' shoulders. I want to settle him, keep him in the moment. I don't want his mind to take off in bad directions the way it so easily does when he's upset.

"Yes, Daddy." Louis sucks in a deep breath, then clenches and unclenches his hands at his sides. "Daddy?"

"Yes Louis?" I acknowledge. I'll let him speak as long as it's respectful. It's only fair to at least hear out his side of things.

He sighs again. "I think that, given the circumstances, maybe a little bit of leeway could be given?"

I stop and consider for a moment. It is true that there are extenuating circumstances. But I really don't think anything would excuse the outburst that happened out in the living room earlier. "Louis, do you remember why we started ageplay with you?"

He nods. "Yes, I do."

"So, you would remember that one of our goals was to help you regulate your emotions, right?"

Another nod, and suddenly I see it click in his head. "I still don't think..." he protests, but shakes his head after a brief pause. "Never mind."

I sigh. Normally that kind of thing would get at least a stern word, but today is not the day for that. "Okay. Do you understand why I need to punish you?"

"Yes, Daddy." Louis is still clearly resisting my efforts to make him feel little, but the mocking tone has dropped from his voice.

"Can I explain my reasoning for choosing a spanking over another method of punishment today?" Maybe if I describe my logic, he'll be a little less resistant. That's mostly just wishful thinking though...besides, he's not supposed to want a punishment.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now