Chapter 14

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Louis' POV

So Danielle and I are on a break, which basically means we broke up. Great. Exactly what I wanted the day before my birthday, two days before Christmas (Note the sarcasm). I really don't feel very celebratory right now, I lost my mum and now I've just lost my girlfriend. I want them both back, even though I know it's mostly my fault Dani is gone. It's my fault...

As I sit thinking, and crying, the sadness and guilt overwhelming me, my phone vibrates with a text. Wiping my eyes in order to read the screen, I see that it's from one of the lads I hang out with sometimes when I'm around here.

"Hey mate! Happy almost 25! Get drinks with us?"

Staying home alone tonight won't be a good idea; I need to get my mind off of everything for a while, so I respond immediately, telling him that I am definitely in. Of course, I've completely forgotten what happened last time I tried to use alcohol to take my mind off things...


At the club, Louis seems to be having fun with his acquaintances. For the first little while, he is quiet, but he slowly begins to join the conversation, and even ends up on the dance floor for a bit. However, as the night goes on, no one notices that he is getting increasingly drunk. He himself doesn't realize how drunk he is, just keeps drinking because he wants to have fun and forget his conversation with Danielle and how much he misses his mum. Eventually, his friends leave and he is alone in the crowded club, finding himself sitting at the bar.

"Can I get a refill?" He calls out to the bartender yet again. Now that his friends are gone, his thoughts are once again whirling, and he hopes another drink will calm them.

"Y'alright mate?" The bartender hasn't filled his glass and is instead looking at him in concern. "You've been drinking a lot. Not sure more's a good idea."

"'M fine" Louis slurs. "Don' w'rry bou'me" Frustrated that the man won't just get him a drink, he tries standing up to stomp off, but stumbles as his balance is thrown off by the alcohol, and sits back down.

"Ya know mate, I think it might be best if you call someone to pick you up" Louis looks up, confused as to why the bartender cares so much, but pulls out his phone. He decides to call Liam, forgetting his resolution to not worry him anymore.

Liam POV

I'm really worried about Louis. He just called me from a club, stumbling over his words and slurring, so I'm on my way to pick him up. He's always been one to get piss drunk, but he's never taken it so far that I need to rescue him.

When I arrive, he's slumped over at the bar, a glass of water next to him. The bartender comes over to me as I try to get Louis to stand.

"You Liam?" he asks

"Yeah..." Why does he care?

"Alright. Jus' wanted to make sure he was goin' home with the right person" Wow...he's real thoughtful. Maybe he recognizes Louis and knows about the situation with his mum.

"Thanks for taking care of him. Really appreciate it."

I have to nearly drag Louis out to my car, he's so out of it he can hardly bear his own weight. I bring him to his house, as it's closest to the club, and put him straight in bed, where he falls asleep instantly. I put a glass of water and some painkillers on the bedside table and a bucket next to it because I know he's going to be really hungover tomorrow. I'm not sure I've ever seen him this drunk, and hangovers always hit him pretty hard.

After Louis is set up, I get myself settled in the guest room. This isn't a particularly convenient night for me to be here with him; Cheryl and I were cuddling and having a movie marathon. When he called me, it was nearly 3 am, but Cheryl insisted I go get him, because I told her some of what was going on with him and she's nearly as worried about him as I am. Lying in bed, I text her quickly to let her know that I got him home safe and am staying at his place before falling asleep.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now