Chapter 64

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"Louis! Where are you going?"

Niall's POV

I abandon my cleaning supplies to chase Louis up the stairs and into his bedroom. I find him under his bed, giggling hysterically.

Oh no. This is going to be harder than I thought. If he thinks this is all a joke, he's not going to take me seriously when I try to lecture him.

I take a few deep breaths to try and steady myself to deal with this.

"Louis," I call sternly, or, as sternly as I can manage. I'm not exactly well-practiced at disciplining children. "Come out of there, now!"

"No, Dada," Louis giggles. "This is my house! I'm a bear, it's my cave. I live here! I can't go out there."

"Louis, you can and you will come out here. Do I need to call Daddy and tell him you're being bad?"

"No, no, don't call Daddy! I'm a good boy, Dada," he insists, poking his head out from under the bed, but keeping the rest of his body hidden.

"You're not being very good right now, Louis. You need to come out of there right now and get back to your timeout corner."

"But timeout isn't fun," he frowns.

I sigh. "Louis. Timeout is a punishment, it's not supposed to be fun. If you don't come out now, you will have ten more minutes of timeout as well as no TV for the rest of today."

Finally, Louis squirms out from under the bed and sits on his butt on the floor. "I'm out," he says matter-of-factly.

I immediately pick him up so he can't run away and make my way downstairs. I set him on a kitchen chair instead of in the living room this time.

"Listen, Louis. You are not listening today. It's not very nice to be making messes all the time that Dada has to clean up. You haven't been obeying me at all. You are not allowed to run away from timeout or stick your tongue out at me. I am going to extend your timeout to 20 minutes, and if you disobey one more time, you will have no TV for the rest of the day."

"Kay, Dada," Louis responds, and I know he didn't really take in what I just said, but I'm not going to push it. Hopefully the 20 minute timeout is enough to teach him something.

"Alright, I'm setting the timer on the stove. If you talk or move, your time will start over and TV will be taken away."

I go back to the living room, rather hesitant to leave him alone, but knowing I should finish scrubbing off the crayon sooner rather than later. Surprisingly, I don't hear a word out of Louis for the whole twenty minutes, and when I go in once in the middle, he's just sitting there, staring at the wall and swinging his feet a little.

When the timer goes off, he is immediately up and running into the living room.

"Dada! Dada! I was a good boy and I satted for the whole time and I didn't talk or move or nothing!"

"Very good, Louis," I say, smiling at his cuteness. "Do you think you can be good for the rest of the day?"

Louis looks at me with wide eyes. "But, Dada, it's more fun to be bad!"

Oh boy. I sigh, staring down at the floor, where I only have a little bit more crayon to scrub off the floor. How do I deal with this?

"Except that being bad gets you in trouble, which is not fun, right?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"Not fun," he echoes.

"Tell you what. You can watch a bit of TV while I finish cleaning up here, and when I'm done, we can play a fun game together," I suggest, hoping he'll agree. Thankfully he does, running to flop on the couch.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now