Chapter 31

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"What the f-...what do you think you're doing?"

Louis' POV

I look up to see Liam standing just outside the sliding door, a very angry expression on his face. I jump to my feet, bringing the hand with the cigarette behind my back, as if that will help anything.

"Louis" He growls, voice scarily quiet. "Show me your hands"

I'm slightly scared of Liam right now. He seems pretty mad. I drop my cigarette and turn to run away, but only make it two steps before there is a tight grip on my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" he demands through gritted teeth.

"I-I don't know" It's true, where would I have gone? This is my house...

He tightens his grip on my arm before wrapping his other arm around my middle and lifting me up, carrying me back toward the door.

"Stop! Put me down!" I don't like this at all. His grip on my arm and stomach hurts, and my head is still throbbing with a headache. Liam is mad and I'm scared. "Liam, let me go!"

He doesn't respond, just continues carrying me into the house, not even reacting to my kicking and thrashing, which, as an afterthought maybe isn't a good idea, but I just want him to put me down. I don't what he's going to do to me.

It doesn't take long for me to find out. He stops in my bedroom and practically throws me to the floor before saying three words: "Corner. 20 minutes" and stomping out to the hallway. I obey, afraid of what would happen if I didn't. From my spot in the corner of my room, I can hear the other three lads talking in the hallway.

"What's wrong, Li?" Niall.

"Louis." Liam spits out my name, then stops.

"What about him?" By the sound of his voice, Harry is confused.

"He snuck out and I found him smoking a fucking cigarette!" Liam's voice gets louder as he speaks.

"Shh. Where is he now?" Niall, always the peacemaker.

"In the corner. I gave him 20 minutes. I have half a mind to spank him. What was he thinking, sneaking out to smoke?! I can't believe it. I thought he would know better. It's in the rules." Crap, he's thinking of spanking me? He can't do that. They wouldn't let him do that to me, would they? Standing alone in the corner, a couple of tears slip down my face. I know it was wrong to sneak out and smoke, but I just needed a break, and I was really craving a smoke. It relaxes me, and I was seriously stressed after the events of last night.

"You can't do that!" Well, it sounds like Harry is on my side.

"Li, I really don't think you should spank him. Yes, smoking was directly disobeying one of the rules, but I'm sure he had at least a bit of a reason. He had a nightmare last night, yeah?" Once again, Niall the peace maker. Despite my relief that they aren't going to spank me, I can't stop the tears. I want to stop though, crying is making my head hurt even worse.

"But he has to be punished somehow! We can't let this go, he can't think this is okay." Liam is still angry; his voice is low and gravelly in a way that is quite terrifying.

"I think timeout is enough for now. If he had a nightmare, he might still be vulnerable... We should just make sure that ..." Harry's voice trails off into inaudible murmurs as they walk away from my room.

I'm glad they aren't going to punish me any more, but I really don't appreciate this whole corner business. I feel vulnerable, I can't see what's behind me. I hate it. Why am I here? I could just walk away...but if I did that, Liam would be even more mad, and I don't like angry Liam at all.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now