Chapter 59

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Once inside my house, I flop on the couch, ready to work thorough my thoughts some more, but I'm interrupted by my phone ringing with a call from Steve.


"Hi Louis. How are you feeling?" Um...what? Oh yeah. Zayn told him I wasn't feeling well yesterday.


"You still good for interviews today?" I can tell he wants to ask more, but I'm not giving it to him.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Great. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes like we talked about?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

After we hang up, I rush to find some semi-presentable clothes for the interviews. Even though it's all radio, there will be pictures and videos, so I have to look at least half-decent. Once that's done, I fiddle with my hair a bit, though I know that will be redone when I get to the station.

I have just enough time left to make a quick cup of coffee and read the latest (unimportant) updates from my management before I get a text from Steve letting me know he's outside.

The ride to the first radio station of the day is pretty quiet. I'm still sipping at my coffee and trying to mentally prepare myself for the questions I'm going to get. I can't have anything like yesterday happen again.

When we park, Steve turns to me. "Are you sure you're alright? You seem a little...out of it."

I'm not really alright, but I have to be, and if I'm going to convince myself, I have to convince everyone else.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Little tired maybe. Don't love mornings too much."

Thankfully, he drops the subject there and we head inside. The prep goes fast, and thankfully the interview is an easy one. No painfully probing questions about my mum, nothing too deep into my personal life at all, just some questions about the process of writing the song and how the different fan bases have reacted.

Afterwards, we relax in a back room with the DJ and have some pizza for lunch before moving on to do the next interview of the day.

In the car, I notice a text from Liam. "Hey mate! Done a few promo stops, right? Have time to talk tonight?"

Shit, does he know? Did Zayn call him? No, he would have told me if he had called Liam, I'm sure he would. Right?

I respond with an affirmative, knowing that if I refuse, there will be questioning. It's easier just to do the phone call and convince him everything is fine, right? Because everything is fine, isn't it? Even if it isn't, it has to be.

The second interview is also not so bad. The questions are a bit more personal, but nothing I can't handle. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit more...resilient today, but it doesn't affect me at all. (Or being little last night really relaxed me, but I don't want to think about that too much).

After, I go home, change into something more comfortable, and order takeout for dinner. While I'm eating, I text Liam to see if he's available to talk now. He responds ten minutes later, letting me know that I can call or Skype him whenever I'm ready.

I finish up eating and put the leftovers in the fridge before settling on the couch with my phone. I figure it will be easier to lie about yesterday if he can't see my face, though I'm hoping it won't come to that point. I just have to keep him distracted well enough...

"Hey Lou!"

"Hi Liam! How are ya?"

"I'm good, how 'bout you?"

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now