Chapter 92

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Louis' POV

Daddy's snuggling me. I'm all warm and wrapped up tight. I already napped, but I'm a bit sleepy.

"My daddy," I say softly.

Daddy looks down at me. "Yes, sweetheart, I'm your daddy. You feeling comfy there hon?"
I nod. I'm very comfy. Daddy is comfy.

"I'm glad," Daddy responds. "Do you want to do something or just snuggle for a bit?"

"Jus snuggle."

Snuggles are the bestest. I love snuggles! I wiggle closer to him.

"Owww," I whine. My bum hurts.

"Oh sweetie, is your bum ouchie?" Daddy asks, and I nod.

"Ouchie ouchie."

"Daddy's sorry for that, Lou. I didn't want to hurt you, I promise."

I just stare at him. What did he do? I taked a bath and that hurted, but something else maked it hurt first. Ohs, Daddy gived spankies last night. That's why hurts. Spankies are ouchie.

"Ouchie," I say again.

"Sorry, love." Daddy pulls me closer and rubs his hand over the back of my nappy. "I only did it because you needed it. And I'll make sure it gets all better, okay?"

I nod, cuz I know Daddy will make it better. He's good at that. Even though he's the one that maked it hurt. It was my fault, I was bad. That's why Daddy spanked me. Cuz I yelled at him and said lots of naughty words. I'm too little to say those words, they're big people words. I knows that. Last night was super scary. Too scary. Didn't like it at all. I got arrested! And now all the people are going to know that and I'm gonna be in big trouble with everyone but it wasn't even my fault! I was just trying to stop the press from making so many stories and now they have an even bigger one. And when I came home, I was so upset, I couldn't help it.

"Ugh," I groan. I've thought myself right out of littlespace.

"You okay there, Lou?" Liam asks.

I whine. Even if I'm not little, I'm grumpy now. "Li?"

I feel Liam's body react in shock to me using his name. "Oh! Louis! Are you big now?"

"Mm, yeah, kinda." I cling to Liam anyways. I don't want to look him in the eyes right now. " I gonna hafta deal with this soon?"

Liam pauses. "This? Oh, what happened last night? No, I let people know that you were going to lie low for a few days. You could deal with it right now if you want to, but..."

"No! Please, not now. I just, I don't, I..." I can't find the words to express what's in my brain right now.

"It's okay, you don't have to. Do you want me to let you get changed into your normal clothes now?" Liam loosens his grip on me, but I just hold on tighter.

Liam's POV

"No, I want...I need to be little. If that's okay?" Louis looks up at me for the first time in the whole conversation. His eyes are wide and pleading.

"Of course, you can be little! That's what I was here for in the first place."

Louis nods. "Um, can you help me be little again?"

Oh, my heart! He's so cute. I'm glad he wants to be little, it means he recognizes that littlespace is a space of healing for him.

"Yes, my dear. Shall we make you a bottle and I'll read you some stories?" I love reading stories, kid's books are so much fun, and Louis loves when I do voices for the different characters.

Louis just shrugs, but I see his eyes light up. It's probably better that I show some decisiveness at this point anyway. By asking me to help him, Louis put the situation in my hands; he essentially was telling me he trusts me to know what's best. He needs to feel safe and taken care of.

I carefully roll out of bed and encourage Louis to climb up for a piggyback.

"C'mon, let's go to the kitchen. I think I know where there's some hot chocolate mix; I'll make you a chocolate bottle, does that sound nice?"

"Yeah," Louis says softly as he climbs up.

After filling travel mugs with hot chocolate for both of us, best to avoid spilling, we snuggle up beside each other on the couch while I read Louis a set of picture books I picked up recently. They're all about a mischievous little pigeon and have cute illustrations. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take long for Louis to be giggling adorably at the antics of the pigeon, making it clear to me that he's back feeling little again.

Four books is enough to tire out my voice, so I put the books aside. "What would you like to do now, sweetie?"

"Dunno, Daddy," Louis responds. He nuzzles his head against my shoulder and when I look down, I see that he still has the hot chocolate mug in his mouth despite it most definitely being empty by now.

"Let's not eat the cup please, Lou." I pull it away from his lips and he turns to pout at me.

"Not eatin! Jus had in mouth!" he protests.

I chuckle. "Well, let's not do that either, okay? Do you want your dummy, sweetheart?"
Louis nods, so I start extracting myself from our tangle of limbs in order to go get the dummy from the bedroom.

"No, Daddy, stayyy," Louis whines as I finally stand up and he realizes I'm leaving. "Don't need dummy. Jus you, pwease?"

"I'll be right back, Lou." I step closer to stroke his hair and he wraps his arms around my waist. "C'mon, hon, I'll be quick, I promise. Not even a whole minute. You'll be okay for a minute, won't you?"

Louis pouts, but lets go of my legs and I'm free to run up to the bedroom and grab his dummy. However, when I return to the living room, I'm met with a surprising sight.

Yes, it's been forever. Yes, this is pretty short. But NO, I have not forgotten about this book. 

So...what does Liam find when he gets back to the living room?

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now