Chapter 19

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Liam's POV

I decide to head to Louis' place early on New Years' Day, knowing that he will be hungover and won't want to be alone, even though the plan was for all of us to meet there later in the afternoon to talk over the details of the next week or so.

I get there around 10 am, quite tired, but not hungover myself, as I didn't drink much. As I expected, Louis is still in bed, which is good, because it means I will be able to help him as soon as he wakes up. I find some painkillers and fill a glass with water to be ready.

Around 10:45, I hear rustling from the bedroom, so I go in with the pills and water. I find Louis sitting up in bed, face scrunched in pain with one hand covering his eyes and the other over his stomach.

"Hey Louis" I say softly from the doorway, not wanting to startle him too badly, but regardless he jumps at my voice, turning, and opening his eyes.

"Liam? Whatcha doin' 'ere?" he mumbles sleepily.

"Checking on you. Want pills and water?" He nods, and I bring them over to him, sitting on the edge of his bed. "How bad is it?"

Louis swallows the pills and takes a couple small sips of water before responding. "Head's killin' me, but m'stomach's not too bad"

"Could be worse. The painkillers should help. Reckon your stomach can handle some water?" He doesn't say anything, just lifts the glass and drains it with a small smile.

We have a slow morning; I make some breakfast, or more like brunch, and we just sit around chatting and watching TV until Harry and Niall arrive. (A/N Ik Niall wasn't in England for New Years, but let's pretend he was, ok?)

We decide to sit around the dining room table for the discussion we are going to have. It makes it feel a little like a business meeting, but it will be easier when I want to write stuff down. I'm kind of taking charge here, because I know the most, and it's just kinda how I do things.

"Okay, Louis, we're going to go over what's going to happen. There will be a lot of guidelines and rules; I'll write them down so you don't have to remember everything right away. If at any point you have a question, would like to change something, or feel overwhelmed, you can stop us. That's not to say we will necessarily change things, some things are not optional, but some things there is some room for discussion. I will also check in with you occasionally to make sure you understand. Sound good?"

"I guess" Louis responds, sounding rather depressed. "Are you really going to do this to me?"

"Yeah, we are, sorry Lou. I know you don't like it, but I think it will be good for you. I bet you'll enjoy it once we start!" Harry tries to cheer him up, but his face stays downcast.

"Right, well, let's get started. We've already agreed that we will do one to two weeks of full-time ageplay to get you settled. That will start this evening. After this time is up, we will discuss what we want to happen afterwards, and Louis, you will be glad to know that you will be an active part of that discussion. When do you start promo?"

"My flight is on the tenth. Do we really have to start tonight?" Okay, well I guess we only have ten days to get him settled.

"Yeah, the sooner we start the better. Alright. First rule: You will address me as Daddy, Harry as Papa, and Niall as Dada. If when you are in headspace, you have different preferences, that will be fine, but until you get to that point, you must use these names. It will be weird for all of us, but it will help your brain realize what we want to have happen. Okay?" I want to check in with Louis after every rule, because I know he might just tune me out.

Just Hold On-A Louis Tomlinson Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now